Animal Land - by Dubz Garden - Strain Review - September 2022
  • 5 month(s) ago

Weed Entertainment
  • Published at 2022-09-28 08:06:28
  • Ddeven Ba6r

    Awesome to c ya back in the mix Doc. I tried this same batch with the Animal packaging and rated it around the same as you - Flavorful but not as powerful and euphoric as an OG. Funny thing is I heard their 1st batch of Animal Land in the blank Teds Budz packaging were way better.

    Anyways here are my top pics of the yr. so far since you been out:

    1. SkyHook #33 by BackPackBoyz - impressed with this secret Gary Payton-like strain
    2. Brooklyn Horchata Cheesecake by Dubz Garden/Buddy's Bodega
    3. Coconut Horchata by Dubz Garden/La Coz Esotico
    4. Gooniez - WowDatsFire

2 reply
  • Ddeven Ba6r

    For Sure Doc, cant wait to checkout the upgrades on your other site. 🤟

  • Weed Entertainment

    Welcome back. I hope all is on the up and up… and thanks for the recommendation..
    I passed a few of those last week.
    Coconut Horchata has be fleeting to me as there are many good comments about that strain. I went to emberz VN yesterday and it’s sold out even though it’s still on the menu.
    My website will be ready in two weeks.
    This is a huge upgrade using big servers to handle 1.000 videos and live streaming too. The wake and bake will happen and we can talk about value on there and we can’t here because of YT policies.. this is the hurrah….
    Time goes by so fast.. enjoy everyday and know you can do anything you put your mind to. Don’t let flowers slow your go..
    Party on..
    The Doc

  • Jason McBride

    Worked at a dispensary and the tracking # follows the flower from the time it’s planted until it’s received by the dispensary.. you can look at the paperwork and sometimes it’s planted as say GG4 but when it’s bagged up it may be called something totally different, just depends on what’s selling

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Good post..
    I say that everyday.
    Many people are being fooled..
    It’s sad.. but that’s reality..
    Party on and Happy Thursday..
    The Doc

  • Loudawg01

    Hey Doc, Cheers from Colorado…had this animal land and I enjoyed it thoroughly. With Jack and Lester BS and I said I don’t think it’s Jason much gelato in there cuz its GDP ( Granddaddy purple oc) crossed with Platinum Bay Cookies which were around before gelato quite a while as you know so lol But who knows nowadays like you said we already know that they’re rerocking and servin us the same buds on occasion if not often …anyway, Party on Doc!!m

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    It’s all about the batches..
    We do the work..
    spend the green..
    We want the best..
    As we know, not all buds are created equal..
    And don’t sell us the same average buds twice under two names..
    Oh , yes they are…

  • Kirk Page

    Awesome review,, going to run 🏃‍♂️ with the bulls on Friday,, wish me luck 🍀

2 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Did you run?
    If a drop, what did you win..

  • Weed Entertainment

    For a drop or are you really running for your like in front of real bulls.. ?

  • shaun green

    Hey Doc I literally just puffed that flower,it's really good...but if you wanna get out the Gelato lane try...Sour Claws,London Pound Mints#11,Quattro Kush...all by Smyth Cannabis Co you won't be disappointed,party on my friend👽✌🏼💨💨🕺🏽

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    I haven’t seen Smyth Cannabis yet.
    Which is the strain to look for and I’ll keep my eye out. I have been buying twice a week lately and I’m grabbing strains today.
    I was at emberz yesterday..
    This is the hurrah..
    Enjoy and Party on..
    The Doc

  • Salvador Torres

    Doc , can you please review the Jem that is Originals Los Angeles ! Amazing flower and they have one of the nicest jack herer in the game ! Check it out Doc Thank you! Long live the Doc !

3 reply
  • Salvador Torres

    @Weed Entertainment ONLY THE BEST !

  • Salvador Torres

    @Weed Entertainment Doc, beautiful website will do! beautiful recommendation: I bought half 1/2 0z of xj13 from southern cannabis in van nuys. amazing strain its like jack but with an extra subtle sativa energy kick . amazing flower. You got the vision doc ! For jack herer , I've only been able to try originals strain for financial and location reasons .They had the 1/8th at 25 OTD! Now its 40 . In the future will try Jack Herer from Kings . thank you Doc!

  • Weed Entertainment

    If you like jacks, try THC design XJ-13
    It’s really good.. also,
    Kings Garden Jack Herer is the top Jack
    I tried..
    There is a Jack comparison video on this channel
    I’ll post a link. It’s a good watch..
    Only the best for us..

  • EmpoweredAngel

    Excellent review. Thanks

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Cherry picking gets cherries and we are cherry picking the best of all cultivators..
    Stay tuned as there are so many reviews in the cue. You have to have the knowledge to know what to pass as well as buy.
    Only the best for us..
    Party on..
    The Doc

  • Carlos O

    Hey glad to see another upload smoke on Doc!

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    What’s up Carlos,
    So many strains in the cue.
    Stay tuned.. Only the best for us..
    The Doc

  • Luis 510

    doc , very good to see u back , will we ever see a bool aid review? By 4hunnid

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    What’s up…
    Some 4Hunnid will show soon.
    So many things in the cue to post.
    There will be a post today..

  • DJ Tall

    so glad your back!

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    We have a pro grade community that took 5 years to build.. I’m a serious person who loves weed but knows business first..
    Don’t let flowers make you lazy and miss anything. Right strains can keep you moving and smiling all the way to winner..

  • Southbaysmokin

    Doc try getting your hands on the newest blue zushi drop it’s a banger

4 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    It’s in Lemonnade Van Nuys now.
    I just grabbed it about one week ago.
    There are two batches there.
    I went for the more expensive one..
    I heard after my posting, the older batch is better but I didn’t try both..
    Party on..
    The Doc

  • Weed Entertainment

    👍.. thanks

  • Southbaysmokin

    @Weed Entertainment it’s by the TenCo! Absolutely crushed the newest batch🔥

  • Weed Entertainment

    Thanks for the recommendation.
    By Seven Leaves… ?
    I loved the Red Zlush by Seven Leaves..
    🔥🔥🔥 winner winner chicken dinner
    Party on..
    The Doc

  • Saf

    good to see you back doc

3 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Party on Saf 💨

  • Saf

    @Weed Entertainment party on doc much love

  • Weed Entertainment

    Welcome back..
    Enjoy the videos.
    There are so many in the cue now.
    This is the hurrah….
    We all need recommendations to level up..
    Party on…

  • Jeremy Johnson

    Ayyyy the doc is back!!🙌🙌🙌

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    What’s up Jeremy…
    I’m still around..
    The show is so helpful the buy better.
    Lots in the cue now..
    Let’s go…

  • Ryan Fewster


1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    The world corrects itself..
    Game on… again..
    Party on.. and happy Wednesday..
