The Doc’s Story

With my Dr recommendation in hand for more than 10 years, I have purchased marijuana flowers in Los Angeles and Las Vegas (also some dispensaries in Malibu and Orange Country) buying a small amount of every flower in the store to see what is the best flower money can buy. Dispensaries can have 100 strains of marijuana but how do you know which strain to buy. The answer is you don’t. I have purchased 1,000 plus different strains over the years and found that finding great flower is not easy and that flowers are not consistently the same.Marijuana is a batch business which means the flowers from the same mother plant are different each harvest. Also, different strains have different effects and marijuana effects people of different ages differently too. When you are college age, most flowers are happy, leaving the user semi functional. As people age, the effect of marijuana is not as strong and in time leave older long term users saying they can’t get the feeling they want (like when they were younger), which is the case for me. One thing in common is great flower is great for people of all ages. My goal was to find the happiest flowers available which is not easy to do. videos try and guide users and cannaisseurs (lovers of marijuana) to the best flowers. I like happy flowers that leave me functional and on task. If your looking for the best, happiest, clear thinking flowers, Weed videos can lead you to the promise land of awesome. Welcome to Weed Entertainment… enjoy…
Weed Entertainment Strain Reviews are conducted using the VaporCup Digital Vaporizer. I have found that it's glass mouthpiece, stainless steel removable heat chamber, and fantastic air flow make it the perfect vaporizer for experiencing the awesome flavors of the flower we review.Check out the Dr's in-depth review of the VaporCup.

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- The Doctor