Piggy Bank - by Seven Leaves - Strain Review - December 2022
  • 9 month(s) ago

Weed Entertainment
  • Published at 2022-12-12 23:33:35
  • Andrew Sandberg

    Your reviews are really great tho Doc you tell it like it is while going into detail and being honest and you know what you're looking for that's why not many get the 9, happy hunting tho Doc cheers (:

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    My website is uploading now.
    It should be public today.. maybe..
    It’s big so there its a big upload.
    I will be even more candid there.
    I have learned in life, hang around smart people and you get smarter..
    I’m the old guy now… I’m sharing..
    This is my hobby.. the website is the best place in world to get strain info for strains you can buy. I don’t believe HT at all.
    Leafy has to many people and how can you know who knows.
    Our community is pro.. it’s not just my opinion.
    Happy Tuesday..

  • Andrew Sandberg

    Hey Doc I try to only reccomend you the best! I would say to try Cassis - by Champelli, and White Dino Duck - by Goonies and TREMENDOUS By Laughing Gas and Xclusivo - By Champelli
    Those would be my best picks Doc you should love all of those! Cheers Doc (:

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Being honest, I haven’t been loving a lot these days. But I have 6 new tries in the cue now… a few are your picks 🙃✌🏼

  • Southbaysmokin

    A flower that grinned me out ALL DAY was Animal Face by seed junky…definitely a try

  • grunge truck

    We have a company called natural remedies in Pennsylvania and their Alaskan Thunder RSO was too much for me also.

  • Pawl Poche

    Doc, just curious, what flower got your highest rating ?

  • Southbaysmokin

    The blue slush is the seven leaves winner for me…haven’t grabbed the red zlush yet tho!

2 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    After some thinking, I tried and reviewed
    Seven Leaves Blue Sush about two years ago.. I’ll attach the review below.
    You can see my take.
    Blue Slush - Indica Hybrid - by Seven Leaves - Strain Review - Dr Greenthumbs, Sylmar Ca Ca

  • Weed Entertainment

    The Red Zlush got the 9 from me.
    One of the better flowers of 2021..
    Really good kinda old school.
    I’ll look for the blue now there are comments from you.

  • Jeff Jackson

    Hey Doc I'm gon be In Scottsdale AZ this Wknd Do you know of any Exotic Dispensaries

5 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    What came back to me was Oasis.
    This is an experienced person

  • Weed Entertainment

    I didn’t hear back yet..
    If I hear back I will post up for you.
    I’m not sure when. Everyone is busy during the day.

  • Jeff Jackson

    @Weed Entertainment OK Thanks Doc

  • Weed Entertainment

    I’m waiting for a response from my friend.

  • Jeff Jackson

    @Weed Entertainment Scottsdale Resort and Spa
