Skywalker OG - by Aims - Strain Review - December 2022
  • 2 month(s) ago

Weed Entertainment
  • Published at 2022-12-19 20:00:05
  • Ddeven Ba6r

    Thanks Doc - I've seen AIMs and will try it next time.
    I miss the old school medical Star Wars OGs like Skywalker, Yoda, and Vader OG. The Planetary strains are also rarely seen anymore - it was said that they put the planetary OGs outdoors for a natural flowering/budding cycle with the Sun instead of forcing the light-cycle indoors. 🀘

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    The aims Mac was the best Mac in the market other than maybe original caps cut from peace of green.
    IOG MAC 1 drops once in awhile but I’m not sure what up with them.
    IOG MAC 1 is still the best flower ever under legal licensed flowers IMHO.
    Also, if your didn’t try. Korova Mac One was great but in a different way. Less heavy but with euphoria..
    Party on.. Happy Monday..
    Get your long weekend buds ready..

  • Southbaysmokin

    Doc Aims really been cultivating there own flowers? My GM insists they are white labeling. Never tried the brand

4 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    The popperz with be popin here with some bubblegum and cherry in Halloween bags.
    They are in the cue to post.
    Let the best flowers be know
    So we can all enjoy them.

  • Weed Entertainment

    They are still under the radar a little with more exposure lately.
    In the old days, pre brand.. they had some of the strongest flowers I new where to buy in a medical container.. 😎✌🏼

  • Southbaysmokin

    @Weed Entertainment thanks. I had a feeling she was misinformed lol

  • Weed Entertainment

    I personally know them and have been to their cultivation too.
    They know how to cultivate and it’s a good old school try at a good a value.
    The Doc is in the know.

  • Ryan Fewster

