Jenny Kush - Hybrid - by Cultivation Labs - Strain Review - from Apothecary Shoppe, Las Vegas, NV
  • 6 month(s) ago

Weed Entertainment
  • Published at 2019-09-11 02:00:00
  • joshx022

    Coming back to this vid because I just got this strain five minutes ago. 27% and it is SMOOTH. Really good after 2 hits. Incredible strain named after an incredible lady that was gone far too soon. Stay baked bro!

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    I’m glad you got to try the infamous Jenny Kush.. it’s one of the strongest of Las Vegas.

  • Solace2021

    Traveling to Vegas in September for 1 week. I was thinking of going to Cultivate. What's do you think of this dispensary? Can you also tell me if these are crappy or good choice selections:

    #1 Blueberry Pancakes & Platinum Girl Scout Cookies by Old Pal (both 15.5% THC)

    #2 Melonade 18.51% THC & Slurricane 17.73% THC by Cultivate

    I've been trying to find great weed that won't break my pockets...preferably 2 sativas that will keep me active during the day & 2 indicas that will help with sleel insomnia and pain at night

2 reply
  • Solace2021

    @Weed Entertainment thank you so much. I'll definitely check on these

  • Weed Entertainment

    I have been to cultivate one time.
    I don’t know anything about the strains you wrote above. I would recommend the following strains… these are all strong flowers.
    Nighttime Sleep - Jenny Kush - Cultivation Labs
    Active - Rainbow Cookies - Tyson Ranch
    Active - Cannabiotix (CBX) Mandarin Mints
    Active - Face on Fire - growers circle
    Nighttime heavy but not sleepy - Herijuana - House of Herbs
    You need to search weedmaps to see who may have them. Think of all LV dispensaries being ok.. with Planet 13 being bigger and with more strains. You can also look at The Reef for value flowers.. Good luck.. if you can find them..
    You will cruising.. 😎🔥🔥🔥👍

  • cr0nick

    hey doc if youre ever in illinois/chicago you should try the aeriz version of this strain. very euphoric/happy. i think they got it right.

    have a few other strains i think you should try if youre ever out here. take care

2 reply
  • joshx022

    I second this. Just got it in my addison dispensary...PHENOMENAL.

  • Weed Entertainment

    Thanks for the the tip..
    I was in Chicago a few times it’s just to cold for me.. I was shaking to my core..
    The cultivator is so important in this process..
    You can give the same flower to two growers and the end result will be different..
    if you found a strain that works for you that’s great.. enjoy the videos..
    Here we all run for the same batches and these videos are so helpful..
    VaporCup is also helpful to get more focus from the flowers.. there is less disfunction and more euphoria.. the best flowers with VaporCup is a winner winner chicken dinner..
    Party on..

  • RuReady115

    Love ur channel! Moving to Vegas in 2 weeks first stop dispensary. The Jenny Kush allure was the 31% thc but you’re the second reviewer to say it wasn’t that great. Any recommendations? How about the Cookies brand

3 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Party on RuReady..

  • RuReady115

    Weed Entertainment thank u will definitely check those places out

  • Weed Entertainment

    I thought Jenny Kush was good..
    I’m insider in LV and below would be my picks..
    Dispensaries to go to.. Sahara Wellness has many strains to choose from. This place has parking in front but otherwise bad parking so park in front.. try and grab Face on Fire by Growers Circle there.. this shop has many local favorites,. Also, Planet 13 is the big game in town but their were long lines pre virus..
    Grab Tyson Ranch Rainbow Cookies and Virtue Bract City (one of the best tasting flowers).
    I got Jenny Kush at the apothecary Shoppe,
    Grab Cannabiotics Mandarin Mints, maybe at Source or Essence.. and Herojuana OG at Acres dispensary..That’s a good start..
    Party on..

  • Jimmy Randle

    WOW!!! I WANT THAT SHIT!!!!💯💯💯💯

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Thanks for the comment. I had been looking for Jenny Kush for some time.
    Around two weeks ago in Las Vegas i was in Exhale dispensary which is right next to the Apothecary Shoppe where I’m friends with many budtenders. I just went in to say hi, not planning to buy but there is was in the counter “Jenny Kush” from Cultivation Labs. I grabbed it and Strawnana which reviews have posted. Enjoy your hunt... I hope my list helps you find the fire.. Party on my friend..
