Gruntz - Indica - by Firehouse / JokesUp! - Strain Review - from Dr Greenthumbs, Sylmar, Ca
  • 3 month(s) ago

Weed Entertainment
  • Published at 2019-12-06 04:00:08
  • OG Mackmizzle323

    I like that you do most of the strains so like that I know what to look for when I hit DR greenthumb DTLA

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    πŸ‘πŸ‘ I am really looking..
    really good flower is hard to find..

  • Courtney Lia

    Have you done a review on 9lb hammer yet? As of now that and paradise waits are my faves. My husband is more of a sativa connoisseur so he's loving do-si-dos 😎😊

2 reply
  • Courtney Lia

    @Weed Entertainment So you haven't even heard of the do-si-dos strain? πŸ€” Florida, and all from dispensaries. Yes as I said, 9lb hammer is one of my favorite strains but I was just asking if you'd done a review on it yet bc I wanted to see what your thoughts were on it. I'm sorry if I bothered you or crossed a line with my question and comment. Guess I coulda just looked around myself instead of asking but if u don't want any questions or comments, make sure you turn the comment section off next time you upload πŸ‘πŸΌ

  • Weed Entertainment

    In Las Vegas or LA?
    9LB hammer is popular strain in Vegas and one of the highest THC flowers too.
    Party on.

  • Lion Infamous

    I felt the same way the gruntz was ok but not like runtz, runtz is more heavier and tastier in my opinion

4 reply
  • Lion Infamous

    @Weed Entertainment yes sir teamwork make the dreamwork, i hope these strains never die they are too good

  • Weed Entertainment

    Something is up with the Runtz.
    The strains are leaving cultivators and showing under new names and maybe cultivators. Maybe the license deal is up.. People are posting Cannatque lost Runtz.. this was a good flower and these guys would be successful together..
    Business is about a good team.. and everybody wins..

  • Lion Infamous

    @Weed Entertainment i never heard of devine runtz but will be on the lookout for it πŸ’ͺ

  • Weed Entertainment

    People are talking about Runtz OG in the red bag and Devine Runtz. I have not tried either.
    I was planning to grab them today but just no time.. I want to grab them before they are gone and it’s different batches next time.
