GAR vs Garanimals - by Top Shelf Cultivation - Strain Review - Dr Greenthumbs, Sylmar Ca
  • 7 month(s) ago

Weed Entertainment
  • Published at 2020-05-16 02:10:54
  • CJ Morton

    I’ve got an eighth of the Kings Garden Jack(best flowers in LA) as well as an eighth of their Platinum Blue Dream, and I think the Blue Dream wins in terms of strength and euphoria. The Jack is a much more functional smoke, but this Blue Dream will take you to another planet. I think this is a new strain by Kings Garden, but this is the best Blue Dream I’ve ever had... and there are a lot of Blue Dreams. This brings the permagrin!

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    We agree..
    Kings Garden Jack Herer is very good.
    I gave that flower props and it’s the #1 on best sativa list.
    I’ll be on the lookout for the Blue dream.
    Thanks for the comments.
    Party on.. thank for the tip..

  • Arcell Mcgowan

    Free game 🎮 from the Dr!💯💪🤷 I come from out of town for the experience. Thanks for saving me time money and a bad day👌

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Let the best flowers be known.
    You can’t fool the street.

  • chauncey_the_cannaseur

    Could be a new jar/label or just a mistake. And just because its the Same strain grown by multiple growers (as cited in your kushmints example) doesnt mean effects are the same, could be wildly different phenos from grow to grow

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Geranimals vs Gar got some notice because both flowers had the same lot number so they are exactly the same batch.
    Someone posted below the video Top Shelf Cultivation that they had to change the name because of issues.
    Test lots are 10 lbs..
    two strain names, same batch testing..
    it’s monkey business..
    you can’t fool the street

  • Waterboy Wolf

    Love your videos! Would love to see some review vids of oni seeds

2 reply
  • Waterboy Wolf

    Weed Entertainment straw-Picana, Wilson zero are some I’ve been wanting to try! I think I remember you saying something about the tropsanto

  • Weed Entertainment

    Waterboy wolf,
    What strains by ONI seeds ?
    Happy Sat..

  • Max Herman

    So I actually emailed top shelf and apparently Garanimals is a trademarked children’s clothing brand, so they had to rename the strain for legal reasons. My batch number is also the exact same as yours, but my nugs look much different than yours. They have almost no purple to them like yours do. Does yours smell like a sour diesel or durban poison with a hint of mothball? I guess i was expecting it to smell more like its parent grape pie

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Thanks for the post.
    The information is appreciated.
    We are looking for the best flower and lots of people are watching. The reviews help everyone including the cultivator and dispensaries. I respect cultivators but you go into any cultivation and they have a top flower. We are looking for that with the perma grin smile and that’s no easy feat. Great harvests are fleeting meaning this harvest may have 30% THC and the next from the same mother could be 19% and the flower does not have the same effect. It’s a batch business and really we are looking for the best batches. I would not have bought GAR or Garanimals twice. Likely I would have bought Top Shelf Cultivation’s M1 and they would have more notoriety..
    I don’t review flowers I don’t like but the amount of like differs.. let the best flowers really be known.
    Party on and enjoy..

  • Lion Infamous

    I felt the same way about runtz v and runtz og same flower different name

3 reply
  • Lion Infamous

    @Weed Entertainment so true doc some do this probably to get rid of their stock they have alot of meanwhile throwing the middle finger to us who enjoy flowers with our hard earned money. Its ok tho the party still continues 💪

  • Weed Entertainment

    Your posts are appreciated.
    The cultivators need to know they will be called out if they sell the same flower under two names. I understand why Top Shelf Cultivation changed the name but they didn’t let customers know. They could have done a play on words and got away from trademark issues.
    You can’t fight with these big companies or your throwing good money after bad.
    In the end, I bought the same flower only days apart in the same store in different packaging under two different strains names and Top Shelf got busted in public so people know not the buy GAR thinking it’s a new Top Shelf Cultivation strain like happened to me ( and it didn’t just happen to me, others did the same but unless they see the post they just don’t know).. I have respect for Top Shelf flower.
    This posts is dealing with ethics of transparency and disclose to the people who are spending their hard earned money.
    Money is not easy to make. We all need to spend wisely..

  • Juanred2014

    Nawl it’s totally different maybe they played you like a joke

  • bonglord boy

    Wish they did this with gusher jsut plushers by gas house lol because I can’t find it anywhere and it’s the best.

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  • Lion Infamous

    Literally smoking it right now

  • Frost Man

    Thank u brother from the uk.....💂‍♂️

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Fool is once.. thats life,
    fool us twice..
    That is not going to happen..
    party on..

  • Juanred2014

    Have you tried natillza by backpack boyz 🎒 or peach cream soda by HP FARMS

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Thanks for the tip.
    The reviews are getting better from tips.
    I’ll add these to my list of strains to look for..
    People are liking the Backpack Boyz these days. The market is funny.. if you don’t keep quality your done..

  • Al Blake

    Nice video

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    We are in the know because all the aggregate comments.. My weed is getting better by tips too. This video features a mistake and I hope others don’t buy the same flower twice.
    Gar and Geranimals is 100% the same flower from Top Shelf Cultivation.
    Party on..😎

  • Juanred2014

    Try anything by HP FARMS or JOKES UP fire society

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    You can search those cultivators and brands on this channel @WeedEntertainment
    There are many reviews there under those brands.. Party on..
