Alien Labs - Cultivator multi-strain marijuana review - 4 strains - May 2020
  • 8 month(s) ago

Weed Entertainment
  • Published at 2020-06-04 02:00:10
  • Lion Infamous

    Good review doc 👍 i will be on the lookout for that sherbacio🔥 i only had alien labs once for some og kush it was some good smoke

  • Trent Davidson

    I personally love alien labs. I’d recommend over cookies, minntz and connected. Sherbacio is by far my favorite strain of 2020 so far.

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Alien Labs Sherbasio got the 9 which is
    a top flower rating from me.
    Have you tried Alien Labs Baklava?
    It’s also scored the 9 and may be even better..
    Alien Labs got it going on..

  • PPH

    I've had Sherbacio and Area 41 the best ive tried from them has been Alien Mints 🔥🔥🔥 Try it trust me..

  • Smokin With Small Town

    Alien Labs indoor with the green label is where it’s at

  • hiphop spot

    Alienlabs rates going extremely high community love

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Hip Hop,
    Your right.. there are many people watching the Alien Labs reviews. These flower have the look and some the something something too.
    More Alien labs reviews to come. I grabbed another strain this week. If your going to spend, why not get their better strains..
    Party on...

  • Smokin With Small Town

    I love alien labs 💨🔥🍻

  • JackGeezy

    AlienLabs is pretty good. Some bomb batches some not so good. The best is probably Area 41 Indoor green top, the lemony smelling one. Baklava is bomb too, the first 8th I got was crazy so kushy and sweet, the next few were pretty good. Planet Dosi is another fire one, AlienMints was whatever. All about batches as you know, all about luck.

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    I want to try green label area 41...
    If you see this strain please give me a heads up.. Party on Mr Jack..

  • andola jackson

    pricey no complaints here........its priced where bud that is specifically grown for extraction is a buyer its rare to get a cultivar to produce flower this potent/high quality/exotic.........i just rarely pay their prices...bc again i can get 710 labs rosin or etc for an equally priced a unit....and id be able to make it last longer more importantly.......if i fall in love with the baklava im going to prioritize blazing it over other jars in the stash.....or have to coddle either way it ruins my consuming experience bc of my own habits.

2 reply
  • andola jackson

    @Weed Entertainment o wow i had no idea.....i was more or less generalizing if anyhthing i edited it

  • Weed Entertainment

    Please don’t post price as it’s against policy and can cause issues. Thanks

  • just sayin

    Nice to see outdoor bud

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Just sayin,
    I only bought outdoor because it was from alien labs and I wanted to try.
    The outdoor is not as good as the indoor version of the same flower IMHO.
    That’s my experience..

  • NVD

    how about milky way?

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    I have not see Alien Labs Milky Way yet.
    I will definitely grab it as available.
    There is an Alien Labs review coming in the next few days.. Stay tuned..
    As the lion says “Keep the Party going”
