Mac 1 - LA's Best Strain May 2020 - Indica - by IOG - Strain Review - from Dr Greenthumbs
  • 8 month(s) ago

Weed Entertainment
  • Published at 2020-05-26 01:40:22
  • Gage Daniel

    I finally was able to pick up the LA Made Mac and wow is it amazing. The price on it at Peace of Green is unbeatable as well. Also picked up Team Elite Genetics Nova Cane and am really loving it as well. It’s smells like the best jack I’ve ever gotten my nose on but has a nice berry flavor to it as well. Truly recommend checking out both

3 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    One person in the Weed Entertainment community emails me every week for a year to go to Peace of Green..
    I just haven’t made it but I definitely hear about it.. I can’t go until Wednesday and then it’s time permitting.. these days are busy.
    I’m working on better videos and trying to change it up.. let’s see I can catch time..
    I really want to try..
    You are a winner today.. 🔥🔥🔥👏👏👏

  • Gage Daniel

    @Weed Entertainment Peace of Green had a lot left in stock as well as 4-5 other LA Made strains that looked great. They also had some of the Top Shelf Cultivation line for the cheapest ive seen, including the whoa-si-whoa. They don’t advertise their menu online anywhere and the area isn’t great but highly worth running in there quickly to pick up some fire for the low.

  • Weed Entertainment

    Those are both strains I’m looking for, for while.. what a haul.. lucky you..
    Your a winner today.. You can’t always find flowers like that..

  • Lion Infamous

    Cant wait to get my hands on it doc sound like its worth the double up 👍 finally got my hands on some cheetah piss from cookies been puffin it all day💪

4 reply
  • Rich P.

    Yeah good luck getting some.

  • Lion Infamous

    @Weed Entertainment bet 👍

  • Weed Entertainment

    I’ll let you know when IOG MAC 1 shows up again.. I’m down to stash..
    keep the party going brother..

  • Weed Entertainment

    Keep the party going lion,

  • Jp

    Honestly idk why you aren’t the highest viewed person with the reviews!

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    It’s all about the tips.
    For everyone this is a personal journey.
    You go to a dispensary with cash in pocket and what do you buy. I posted my favorites for tips on better flowers and the sharing of knowledge gave us all power to buy better and bust the hype.. enjoy the videos..
    Grab IOG MAC 1 If your heavyweight otherwise this flower is too strong. These list stop the guessing which I hated. I still guess some but flowers are definitely better from tips now.
    Follow to better flowers and some stoney good people sharing info..


    Best flower I ever had . Got it from the gas co.

  • Hip-Hop not Wick Wack

    Yo that shit was flame 🔥 I bought like 3 eights of the MAC 1 and one of the Sativa variant called MAC #10 it was also veryy nice 👍

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Hip Hop,
    Your so Lucky you got to get IOG MAC 1.
    To me that was the best flower of 2019 till now.
    I bought an OZ plus but gifted some to friends.
    I am down to only an unopened 8th.
    I just don’t know if I should save it or open and enjoy.. it’s much stronger and euphoric than other flowers with no head feeling.
    This flower grinned me out and IMHO any heavy hitter should try it.
    It’s not for lightweights and I have seen it comatose a friend who does not use much.
    I also had a daily user tell me it was to much for him.. it’s not around now. I reached out to IOG but no response on when shipments will be coming to LA again..

  • Crimson 929

    Hi Dr. I am down to my last bud of the IOG Mac 1! Going to savor till the last vape and hopefully will come back soon!

4 reply
  • Crimson 929

    Weed Entertainment Yes definitely one of the best Macs. Wish you had a chance to try the Choice Mac1 last year. It had 35% THC and it was next level cannabis. Not sure what happened since that won some awards for that strain but haven’t seen any of their product lately. It was their collaboration with SOG Army.

  • Crimson 929

    DOGON TRIBE I was traveling thru LA last year and found Cana dispensary that had the IOG Mac and the Gary Payton.

  • Weed Entertainment

    I gifted IOG MAC 1 strain around to good friends in the know and all said one of the best 🔥🔥🔥
    It’s not easy to do that..


    Where did u get it?


    Hey top of the afternoon Good Doctor. Can u reach out and tell me where to get this strain. Appreciate it! Keep up the great work!

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Let me see what’s up.
    I bought at Dr Greenthumbs Sylmar but none around now. At one time DGT, had a lot of stock of this strain (you could see it from the counter) so many people tried this flower.
    I went back and purchased and OZ and also gifted to some lucky friends who all said that’s one of the top five I have tried..
    A new batch is a new game so let’s see if they can do it again. My batch had 29% THC.
    Party on..

  • transporterste

    The only time ive eva smoked mac1 is in tenerife march 2019 best holiday eva its in top 5 aesthetically looking buds and it was strong slurricane is on the menu at the moment along with Billy kimber and yep your right the buds have to look amazing have a look for inhouse genetics platinum punch

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    There are losts of MAC 1 or MAC One strains around. Did you get IOG MAC 1.
    All the MACs are so different. Korova says sativa, IOG indica so the name is being used by many cultivators in different ways.
    This is a batch business so it’s all about the batch.
    IOG MAC 1 was the best of 2019 and still in 2020 so far. I tried Jungle Boys MAC and just thought my batch was average.
    Winner is IOG MAC ... everyone I gifted this flower to commented
    it’s one of the best I have tried.
    That’s a big statement..
    Party on..

  • Andre Jones

    Saw the previous top 10 on this, and I can't wait to see what's up... South of LA pretty please?

3 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    What brand ?
    Thanks for the info..

  • Andre Jones

    @Weed Entertainment Call it. Man, You are the Best with the "Get Backs" I just had the pleasure of catching up with some Alaskan Thunderfuck. N. Cred. Ible the 3rd.... You can really taste the region, and it just comes down on you like a ton of fireworks! Taste like some Wild Lime Fruit Salad with Berry Stars and Blood Orange stripes... Sativa Dom Perrignon

  • Weed Entertainment

    IOG MAC 1 will show again.
    I’m hoping they bring us the fire again.
    It’s for sale online and you know it’s original as the packaging is unique.
    This strain is strong and I have seen it make a lightweight stare into space comfortably numb..


    Hey Doc you sounded pretty baked at the end!😂😂🤣Party on!

1 reply

    Over here they sell at the gas station, 🔥

  • Dakota Cortez

    Doc! Would you be happen to know where I can find Mac1 in LA area right now?

3 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    The tips here have made the summer flower purchases good.
    You need to catch the right batches as they drop and get 🔥🔥🔥 rating of 9 plus.
    Grab Cookies Blue Cookies..
    It’s in the market now and it was definitely worth the try.

  • Dakota Cortez

    @Weed Entertainment thank you! 🙏 honestly been looking for it for a year, I missed out on it when it was at Sylmar. On the hunt for some dank unique weed right now!

  • Weed Entertainment

    You need to check Weedmaps but everyone here waiting for IOG MAC 1 to show again.
    It’s not a lightweight flower.
    Once this is in the market again,
    It will get a feature on this channel @WeedEntertainment

  • Andre Jones

    Still looking . Great review!!!

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    IOG MAC 1 will show soon or it will get put into oldies but goodies. With that said, I think it will show again soon. Just my guess as I don’t have any inside info.
    Enjoy and party on..

  • Dakota Cortez

    Hey Doc, I’m about to pick up some Mac 1 now...if you see this, I can grab some for you! I’m in LA.

5 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Happy New Year..
    That’s good info..
    I’ll be on the lookout.
    Grab IOG MAC 1 when it comes around.. Wowie.. it’s very euphoric and heavy with some focus.. Winner winner chicken dinner..

  • Dakota Cortez

    @Weed Entertainment Doc! Another update. I’ve located Mac 1 again but this time from a dispensary in LA. it’s called Peace of Green and it’s located in Downtown. It’s “caps cut” which refers to the original creator of Mac - Capulator. You should check it out! I would say it’s very similar to the Mac1 I had a few weeks ago.

  • Weed Entertainment

    Rockit TV,
    Did you get to try IOG MAC 1 yet?
    It’s the #1 strain on WeedEntertainment now.
    I’m down to my last 8th out is an Oz..
    I hope this batch still has the 🔥🔥🔥.
    It was already sold out when I went to the sight which was a Rancho Cocamonga delivery service. My 2019 batch grinned me out.
    That’s no easy feat with so many years use.
    If you see it in LA area.. please post again.
    Thank for the follow up.
    I was surprised why it showed up only there..

  • rockit tv

    @Weed Entertainment hey Doc I can vouch that the Mac is indeed legit from someone who has ties with IOG

  • Weed Entertainment

    Thanks for the tip.
    It’s a great catch and your first.
    I see that online .. are they CA licensed service ? Why is iog MAC1 no place else’..
    My concern is it’s no other place...
    Buyer beware.. I’m not in the know here..
    This is the Dr being careful..

  • greens green

    On the East coast we have "Sira Natural " has Mac1 there batchs always constident .. my go to and I got a half for $115.. xmas deal

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Can you edit the price out of your post.
    It’s against YT policies.
    Happy Holidays.. let the best flowers be known so we can all enjoy them.
    Party on.. The Doc

  • Loudfromends

    is this a review of the mac 1 or of the vapor cup ? whats the range of flavours you get of her ? from where to where ? you know what i mean bro,

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Maybe a little of both..
    IOG MAC 1 was the heaviest with focus flower that grinned me out and kept me active.
    That’s no easy feat. My hobby is weed and over so many years you know something.
    I keep notes so I can go back as only the best really are memorable.
    VaporCup plus those good flowers is the best combo for daily home use and local holidays.
    It’s powerful and it makes everyday better for me as I try to not up tolerance. At a certain age getting the beginners high stops and only better weed (not higher THC flower) can get the closer to beginner feeling..
    It’s just so strong at the beginner stage compared to mature age use.
    For me VaporCup plus the best strains hit the spot. Todays video featured IOG MAC 1.
    It was best for 2019, and still at #1 in 2020. I’m down to stash now.
    I’m going to try and hunt it down.

    IOG brothers.. bring us the 29% THC Ish....
    IOG MAC 1.. 🔥🔥🔥


    Hey Doc where can I pick up some of this stuff???

2 reply

    @Weed Entertainment Thanks again and happy thanksgiving to u as well😀

  • Weed Entertainment

    You need to check Weedmaps.
    I’m waiting for it to come around again..
    I will post when it does..
    Happy Thanksgiving..

  • Érik kartman

    ordered some from elite elevated im excited now lol !

2 reply
  • Érik kartman

    @Weed Entertainment rly love this strain smell litteraly like a cookie from space very smooth high ;)

  • Weed Entertainment

    Oh my.. lucky you.
    I haven’t seen this flower in 1.5 years and many people want to try.
    Please post you comments..
    Its strong..
    I want to buy too..

  • Frost Man

    Thank u brother 💂‍♂️

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Party on Frost..

  • Face the great

    In my opinion, mac 1 and Billy kimber are the strongest and best Ogs

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Your right MAC 1 and Billy Kimber are two of the best. I would like to add in Herojuana OG and Paris OG. I got these old school strains at HHC dispensary in Van Nuys.
    You should call first. It’s under Aimes brand.

  • Dennis Williams

    Smoking thr mac 1 iog batter 🔥🔥🔥

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Where did you find the IOG MAC 1 batter?
    Please comment?

  • Rich P.

    Anyone know where to buy this near San Diego?

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Get this flower..
    You will understand how good and strong a flower can be.. there have been limited drops around lately but not close to me..
    Grab it..
    Party on and Happy New Years
    The Doc

  • cr0nick

    hey doc great channel.

    im wondering if you or anyone in the comments could recommend a dispo to check out while in LA? i hear lots of hype for cookies and jungle boys and im wondering if this is what i should be looking for.

    i generally enjoy a good body buzz but not being locked down or falling sleep. enjoy being fairly clear headed if anyone has some strain recommendations?

    also any must try strains while im in LA?


1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Let me know the day before you come and I will recommend flowers.
    The menu changes so recommending early really not helpful.
    Possible dispensaries to visit
    Dr Greenthumbs Sylmar,
    Buds and Roses, Studio City..
    and if you want one more HHC in Van Nuys.. All are close enough together if you wanted to do one run.
    You can also consider Cookies Melrose but it’s farther from the other group and Dr Greenthumbs and Cookies Melrose have a similar menu.. Party on.
    Let me know..
    The Doc..

  • Art Chave

    Is this the capulators cut?

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    You are digging deep into weed lore.
    I see what you are talking about online but
    I have no idea..
    with that said.. they MAC is one good strain.
    So many people have a version.
    Who knows what’s what.. it’s impossible to know. It’s all about the batches..

  • Rich P.

    You cant find this stuff anywhere in Cali. Its pathetic.

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    It’s out there. Someone just emailed me pictures of two 8th they bought..
    there is limited drops now.
    The Doc


    I bought mac1 seeds

5 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Kings Garden Jack Herer is the best in LA..
    Euphoric with’s the top Sativa on Weed Entertainment.. it’s a definite try..
    Korova Mac One is also 🔥🔥🔥 and they say sativa..


    @Weed Entertainment I see but pure sativas are becoming rare and haven't been given a chance. Jack herer is one of those strains. These strains I haven't tried yet but seem promising you should try them pure sativas are colombian gold and lambs bread can't wait to see you review these stains because one day I want to create my own sativa 100% sativa strain by cross breeding strains like this and Jack herer 👍

  • Weed Entertainment

    Truth ,
    Maybe yes…
    My experience says it’s a batch business business so the best batches can be anything..
    Indica, sativa or hybrid..
    I used to think sativas were better but most of my top flowers are indica. Don’t buy based off type.. buy based of recommendation from someone who is really in the know..
    That’s why Weed Entertainment is so good.
    You will enjoy a very high level of flower if you follow along.. VaporCup also adds to the euphoria and makes more manageable feeling..
    Party on..
    The Doc


    @Weed Entertainment are indicas just as likely to give you a happy head high like sativas or is it less likely


    @Weed Entertainment iv been hearing that mostly sativas give you happy highs were as indicas is for body relaxation with your vast experience do you agree with this?
