Apple Fritter - Hybrid - by Fresh Baked - Strain Review - from Connected Cannabis, Long Beach, Ca
  • 7 month(s) ago

Weed Entertainment
  • Published at 2020-07-18 05:09:06
  • Chucky S.

    Hey doc! I want to just say I love your reviews. They are the best out. I live in LA and I too am flower searching. This Apple Fritter was nice smoke. I got an 1/8th earlier today and it was pricey, but I have to say I’m a fan. Nice cure on these flowers.

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Thanks for the comment.
    If you like Apple Fritter strain which has been consistently good. Try Synergy Apple Fritter.
    It’s stronger and even better IMHO.
    There is also an Apple Fritter Multi strain comparison video on this channel @WeedEntertainment
    Enjoy the videos.
    They are helpful to pick better.

  • Brooklyn Yoblon

    For me this was just an average flower. Left me feeling lethargic and tired. No euphoria no boost no nothing and average flavor. The Synergy Apple 🍏 Fritter definitely deserves the 9 - that’s an exceptional flower‼️

2 reply
  • Brooklyn Yoblon

    Weed Entertainment Not nearly as well as you know them‼️ Best thing about Fresh Baked are those delectable black jars. Went to the Chronic Long Beach today and picked up a Green Dragon THC powerhouse sativa called 80’s Baby on budtender’s rec / fresh eighth of Whoa si whoa / and...drumroll please...brand new Alien Labs Kryptochronic which could be a little heavy for me but it’ll be sold out soon and I missed the Cosmic Crisp drop so we’ll see. I’ll let ya know my thoughts after a sesh or two. By the way this place has the full line up of Fresh Baked strains - all 4 or 5 if anyone is into that. Party on‼️🤪

  • Weed Entertainment

    You know your flowers..

  • Lion Infamous

    Its on the list now doc💪 im smokin some sorbet from lemonade while watching good review🔥

  • Brandon Elder

    I’d like to see a strain review of Fresh Baked they are awesome. The Apple fritter is definitely one of the best. Try Georgia pie it is my favorite. Has such a great smell, tastes and smoke.

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  • Joseph Soto

    Just picked up an 8th the other day. Love it!

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  • Joseph Soto

    Weed Entertainment I feel ya. I personally prefer lumpys apple fritter in terms of taste and feeling. Gonna take your word and pick up some synergy apple fritter as well👍🏻

  • Weed Entertainment

    Try Synergy Apple Fritter.
    Look at Brooklyn’s comment and my response.
    Party on..

  • Crimson 929

    Can’t wait for your Lumpy’s review for the final trifecta of the Apple Fritter!

2 reply
  • Richard McKellar

    @Weed Entertainment did you ever find a 4th?

  • Weed Entertainment

    I’m sure another good cultivator will have apple fritter coming. I want to grab one more and then four apple fritters enter, only one will be the winner. Let’s the best Apple win..

  • Jeremy Denney

    Can you do a review on green dragon strains out of LA?

2 reply
  • Jeremy Denney

    Weed Entertainment awesome I will check them out and looked forward to order videos. We’re both in search for that special One, so will let u knw if anything new good good to try. Keep up great videos

  • Weed Entertainment

    I have reviewed some Green Dragon Cultivation strains. Search Green Dragon on this channel and they will come up. Also, there have been requests for other Green Dragon strain and they are in my list. Any suggestions you have tried that you think have the something something, let me know..
    Party on and enjoy..
    Happy Sat..

  • theone

    What’s the packaging date on that one?

3 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    The cultivator can mitigate flowers drying by adding a foam seal to their jars.
    I tested this out with sonic sealed jars..
    After one year the flower was perfect.
    It depends on how the flower is sealed and why it’s sealed in too..
    Bags will 100% dry out of the flower sits to long..😎

  • theone

    Weed Entertainment ok not too bad. That’s a big factor when it comes to weed in the dispensary which I know you know. Sometimes it can be a killer when they have a very old packaged 8th and still try to push it as top shelf just because of the cultivator and strain

  • Weed Entertainment

    The packaging date is 5/15/20.

  • Feartheterps

    Yeah there brand is good I gotta put on my review list

2 reply
  • Feartheterps

    Weed Entertainment yeah synergy make better stuff they banana runtz is fire ass well

  • Weed Entertainment

    I liked the Fresh Baked Cherry Fritter better then their Apple Fritter. Both were good.
    Grab Synergy Apple Fritter. It’s real good..

  • JackGeezy

    I want to check out Fresh Baked Orange Cookie Dough and Cherlato, Connected stores usually have it. Dr Greenthumb Sylmar has SummerLane by Garrison Lane, same guys that do Billy Kimber.

3 reply
  • JackGeezy

    @Weed Entertainment Haven't had it yet, supposed to be a new strain. You can get today's deal if you still have time.

  • Weed Entertainment

    Any feedback on Garrison Lane Summerlane.
    I need to shop again.
    Just finished all my flowers..

  • Lion Infamous

    Summerlane? Imma keep a eye out for it💪

  • Kush_hash _Toker


  • Ana Venegas

    Do a fresh baked multi strain review

5 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Posted the same thing today.. about fresh baked ice cream cake.
    That why we all pick better..
    The info here is so useful to pick better..
    That’s why I spend the time to do it..
    We have a good small community.
    It would be hard to answer all if much bigger..

  • Ana Venegas

    @Weed Entertainment yes

  • Weed Entertainment

    Your talking Fresh Baked, right.?

  • Ana Venegas

    @Weed Entertainment try ice cream cake

  • Weed Entertainment

    I have only tried two strains (Apple and Cherry Fritter) both good from Fresh Baked.
    I will try more as I hear they have good new strains in the market. My experience so far has been 👍😎

  • Byun David

    Have u tried Chocolate Orange by Fresh Baked ?

5 reply
  • Byun David

    @Weed Entertainment hahah I heard how u feel about that orange taste -- funny thing is no it doesn't. It Reminds me of a Jack Herrer Indica dominant Piney with Lemony skunk. A true Psychedelic experience

  • Weed Entertainment

    Is the chocolate orange strain have orange flavor?

  • Byun David

    @Weed Entertainment thanks for a swift respoonse, Was curious bcuz couldnt find much about it online but I guess I am one of the pioneers for this strain lmao 2 thumbs up

  • Byun David

    @Weed Entertainment I tried that one too it was Good. Got my hands on Chocolate Orange rite and phewee it packs a Punch I can enjoy

  • Weed Entertainment

    No, the best I tried from Fresh Baked is Cherry Fritter..

  • Ryan Fewster


1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Party on Ryan.. ✌🏼
