Cookies - Cultivator Multi-Strain Marijuana Strain Review - Sept 2020
  • 5 month(s) ago

Weed Entertainment
  • Published at 2020-09-23 02:00:03
  • Into the Moat

    Great review. Love all teh strains ive had so far. Out in Las Vegas, we have tons of Lemonade too and its all dank. The Soap and La Kush Cake are some strong nice tasting buds too.

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    These reviews are helpful for you to pick better. I am LV insider and picking in LV not as easy as LA. Let the best flowers be known so we can all enjoy them.

  • Lion Infamous

    Yessir great review doc u know im a cookie man i had the majority of these strains its probably about 10 of em i havent tried yet but that Georgia pie, berry pie , London poundcake, cereal milk, gary payton, snowman but the one that is the best to me is the London chelloπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ super fire. I thought the pomelo was ok i only grabbed it once but it taste goodπŸ’ͺ long live cookiesπŸŽ‰

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  • Everything Cannabis TV


  • Weed Entertainment

    The cookies ratings list is helpful if your
    picking blind.
    How can anyone know what to buy?
    With that said, there are indoor and outdoor versions of the same flower and mothers generally decline so good flowers decline in time too. The trick is to grab them as the reviews post so you are getting the same batch.
    The good Cookies batch out now is
    Cookies, Blue Cookies and it was really good and definitely worth the buy.

  • AnimalHouse

    You should try kannastor GR8TR grinder - it has different settings of fineness so you can control the grind, I notice the fine grind is much more potent for vaporizing herb due to the surface area. Keep up these videos - in a few months it will be hundreds of thousands of views - new smokers need to be educated with this sort of content. cheers

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    I know I said it yesterday but I really lived in animal house during college. It was by far the craziest time of my life. I tried weed there for the first time but I was only a Friday and Saturday pot head..
    There was nothing better than hot girls, buffalo chicken wings, and beer..
    It was all the way..

  • ItzDawn

    There is one really rare strain I’ve never seen you review once ! Grenadine !

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    I have heard Cookies Grenadine is good but I have not tried it.
    I am looking to grab it when I see it.
    I think the Cookies reviews are important so people can pick better. If people try Cookies best flowers, they will like Cookies..
    Try one of the less good Cookies strains,
    you may be one of the many Cookies haters which there are and don’t really get that..
    It’s all about finding the best flowers and batches..

  • JackGeezy

    Best strain by Cookies is no doubt the first batches of Gary Payton. Tasted like creamy gas candy with heavy in your face high. I wish I can get that everytime I shop. Fly is second, very heavy.

5 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Grab Blue Cookies and the cup..
    It’s a winner for you..

  • JackGeezy

    @Jeff Simpson I cant remember that last euphoric strain I had, those are rare, at least for me. The best one was Phantom Cookies but this was a random strain that they weighed out in front of me. Try some of the black market shops, in these bigger name brand shops they usually just have indicas and hybrids, nothing with Euphoric highs. You might like Super Silver Haze by CBX, at JungleBoys OC.

  • JackGeezy

    @Jeff Simpson No haven't had it, but I heard Peanut Butter Cup By Clout King is fire. Usually at Catalyst stores.

  • JackGeezy

    I haven't seen or had that yet, most likely indica.

  • Jesus Gonzales

    The Fly is real good but hard to find. You should try that Snow Montana as well Definitely recommend it!!

  • Blake Priest

    Still best content out on youtube

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Party on Blake..

  • Dominick Botello

    Georgia Pie is my favorite I just tried it today from Cookies San bernadino , Kings Road by Cookies was my favorite before I tried this one great one to try if you see it next time!

2 reply
  • King Musa

    Georgia pie honey bun and cereal milk my favorites

  • Weed Entertainment

    Finding your favorite strains are the goal.
    Enjoy the journey..
    Grab VaporCup when you can.
    It’s so flavorful and adds..
    real flavor to the experience.
    Party on and enjoy😎

  • uncle ruckus

    Yeah but that Gary Peyton gets weaker every batch. 18.5% last time I checked

5 reply
  • uncle ruckus

    @MaddPropz i got marathon once last year and it was at 26% i thought it was weak af, and didnt smoke very good either, i was shocked it got the 9 and is held in such high regard

  • uncle ruckus

    @Weed Entertainment lol well played my friend

  • Weed Entertainment

    The building is aging and it’s not easy to manage best flowers. This flower needs newer bulbs and a small really clean space to be better and keep THC.. it’s sad as primetime
    Gary Payton OG was great if you got it..
    it’s all about the batches..

  • uncle ruckus

    @Weed Entertainment I actually made the comment before you said that... But I dunno I can think of plenty other strains that don't seem to get weaker, not so dramatically anyway

  • Weed Entertainment

    Your right..
    Gary Payton OG THC is getting lower and lower.. I talk about that as I hope Cookies sees the review and saves this flower.
    The original drops were awesome..
    Awesome is hard to keep as cultivations age.

  • Everything Cannabis TV

    Super amazing video wow.. I love cookies , and was surprised to see ocean beach so low I enjoyed it (;

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    It’s all about the batches.
    I’m am very careful with my reviews and all strain get a fair shake.. nothing less..
    If your looking for a similar feeling as me,
    Ocean Beach was not for me. The best Cookies strains are much more euphoric and long lasting. It’s not about flavor.. it’s only about the euphoric feeling with focus.. I need to be able to function and make things happen..
    The best strains plus VaporCup is magic for me. I can use less.. which I want to..
    Life goes by fast.. less is better and the flavor is incredible..
    Party on..
    The Doc

  • Andre Jones

    πŸ’₯πŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ’―% Knockout Punch Awesomeness! You just saved me 31x 60= 1,860 bucks! πŸ˜ƒlol

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    It’s your hard earned money.
    Spend it wisely..

  • jasonbigbee

    Thank you Doc!!!!

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Party on Jason,,
    Let the best flowers be known..

  • Chino Ching -Topic

    Yeeeeeee yessir love them cookies

  • KarmaCatBeats

    I was hoping you were gunna say Gary Payton for number 1

  • Brooklyn Yoblon

    Great Stuff - been on a unplanned Cookies fast lately but anxious to try the Blue Cookies and LP #75. Only surprise was the lowly status of Cheetah Piss which for me belongs in the top 5 Cookies strains. Party on Doc‼️ Always the highlight of my day these reviews. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ‘ŠπŸΌπŸ”₯πŸ€ͺ‼️

3 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Cookies, Blue Cookies has the game.
    It’s real good and one of Cookies better strains.
    Enjoy the videos..

  • Bluntz&Dreamz

    Blue cookies ! πŸ”₯🀀😡 Haven't been able to get London pound cake yet . .

  • Weed Entertainment

    Your opinions are respected and appreciated.
    Definitely grab the Blue Cookies.
    I will try the Cheetah piss again.
    I really give every flower a full and fair
    review as I know I’m reviewing someone’s work.

  • Chino Ching -Topic

    Love them cookies

2 reply
  • Chino Ching -Topic


  • Weed Entertainment

    Yes.. but some are better than others..
    Grab Cookies brand Blue Cookies..

  • Dewdrop

    Little constructive criticism because I watch these way too much. Would have appreciated a quick lineage as well as flavor/terp profile, just to help understand what the bud actually is. Great review tho very entertaining

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    I generally don’t believe linage so I don’t talk about it. When a good flowers hits the market people copy the name. There are certain flowers you can tell by the taste and smell but they are named like Jack Herer..
    I’m general, the show gives great info on the best strains you can buy now. We try and grab same batches which is where the win is.
    Don’t believe weed lore.. it’s mostly a make it up. The flower is what the cultivator who gave it to the cultivator calls it. That’s the real story.
    Enjoy the videos… get VaporCup and your flowers will go twice as far with a flavorful experience.. it’s for pros.. and it stays clean..
    It’s one of the reasons I do the show.
    Just amazing devise.. to me it’s the best in the world..
    Party on..
    The DocπŸ‘

  • Johnny Madrigal

    You should try project 4510 , gronolafunk, lpc x km 10 lol and that melonatta is fire to

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    I tried grandiflora project 4510 and it was just ok for me. You can see the review by searching the strain on this channel.
    You need to watch cultivators these days as they have indoor and outdoor versions of the same flower even grandiflora. I only buy the indoor version as they are more flavorful and definitely smoother.
    Grab indoor Grandiflora Super Charger.
    It a top flower on Weed Entertainment..
    Thanks for the tip..
    Party on..

  • Pierce Mehrten

    You got all the flavors

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    The good Cookies Strains can be very good.
    Follow the lists to better flowers.
    It’s all done with respect to cultivators as this is no easy gig..

  • Matt Arby

    I never see Cookie brand strains where I live in OC I think maybe its only LA county

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Cookies brand is everyplace.
    The OC needs more dispensaries.
    It’s sad they have regulated them out for the time being. It’s ridiculous..
    It’s a flower that bring joy if used responsibility.
    Party on..

  • Everything Cannabis TV

    Thc percentage means pretty much nothing , can't say a flower is good or bad based of the testing for so many reasons

4 reply
  • Everything Cannabis TV

    @Weed Entertainment great video by the way again I loved it

  • Weed Entertainment

    Yes, that is right.. but the market is what it is..
    Higher THC gets more money..
    Knowing the THC is also better so you know what your buying. My reviews only spotlight best batches is not about strains..
    As I said in prior posts, strains are unique to the cultivator who has them..
    Generally they are a story to sell flowers..
    Let the best batches be known so we can all enjoy them.
    Happy Sunday..

  • Everything Cannabis TV

    @Weed Entertainment The market being based on thc percentage is one reason the legal market it trash, companies cheating and faking perctages, different parts of plant will have different percentages, apparently if u test the same nug twice it may eve fi d different readings, it should be for quality of grow period and genetics, as the market changes im sure people will catch on they are getting ripped off when they chase a 40 percent thc lololol

  • Weed Entertainment

    Yes and yes, but THC % is driving the market so it matter.. Dispensaries pay more for high THC flowers and in general (not always) higher THC flowers can be more heavy.. it’s definitely more than just THC that makes the magic..
    Enjoy.. stay on the good foot..

  • Everything Cannabis TV

    Crazy dope videov

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Happy Sat.. everything cannabis..
    How lucky are we..

  • Ill Mind

    Where would Apple's and bananas fall on the list ? Trying to decide between Gary Payton and Apples and bananas

5 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    If you count flavor and effect your are right..
    There are better strains for effect only..
    Cookies Apples and Bananas is a winner winner chicken dinner..

  • Trey Tolmaire

    The apples and bananas is hands down the best cookies I’ve had. I smoked this strain for a couple of months and NEVER got tired of it. I tried other strains in between and kept coming back to 🍎n🍌. Supreme taste, and strong asf, like 29-30% thc. It leans really heavy as a sativa, but da indica will give you some good sleep and you feel the effects when you wake up.

  • Weed Entertainment

    Sound fun..
    Go and enjoy.
    They always have good flowers at the store openings..

  • Weed Entertainment

    It’s really perfect for me and I use in Las Vegas to be stealthy. You can imagine how many can plan flowers into your day and use in a pro way.
    Get the combo.. save and wait if you need too.
    It’s the one because it comes with everything including the strawpack.. it’s so helpful.

  • Ill Mind

    @Weed Entertainment also I'm getting the vape cup this pay day so that'll be a nice change to really taste my product to the grain. I usually get a hint of it with a joint bong or pipe but the resin kind of messed with the terpes flavor. I love high thc and high Limonene hybrids or indicas. Heard the vape cup is the best when it comes to flavor savoring .

  • Peter porter

    Gary Payton definitely not number 1 I've smoked more then half Lotta better ish then tht .

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    It really depends on the batch.
    The Gary Payton strain drop I reviewed was the original drop July 2019 with 23% THC and it was the best drop if the summer and one of the best of the year.
    Subsequent releases the THC dropped all the to 18% and people noticed the difference and the comments went south.. but Cookies realized and made changes and just recently put out a 32% THC versions of Gary Payton strain. That flower was really good too but it can be to heavy fast. It’s very strong and more euphoric with less use.
    These videos help everyone buy better.
    Many picks these days are tip flowers which made picks better.
    It’s a batch business.

  • titsbeerbong420


1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Happy Saturday..
    Only the best for us..
    Watch this weeks videos..
    The best of the year is in the cue now..
