Cherry Pie - Hybrid - by Inhalence - Strain Review - Exhalence, Sun Valley Ca
- 0 month(s) ago
findingthetruth 2
Good info on the vape cup info. Also with the bud tenders. I've had some discrepancies on my purchases so i think it might be more common so watch them weigh and price your product. I don't think in my case it was intentional as much as maybe just maybe to high are to busy. Great advice on a topic that needs addressed.
Same thing happens in Colorado, although our bud is served out of Jars. Sometimes the workers are so baked, if you dont watch them, they will geab the wrong Jar, or try and push a jar on you, even though you picked something else. Good to have a budtender you know and trust. I appreciate your honesty, not all bud is quality
Lion Infamous
Not as strong as the others huh doc good review 💪 ill pass on this one. And them putting the wrong flower in ur bag is probably their gimmick to get rid of whats not sellin 😂 tonight i grabbed some starburst og its pretty good taste and potency🔥
Happened to me at planet 13 in Vegas. Wasn't happy but not going to cry about it.
Hoodpatrol Strains
For me
I h8 that strain smells good taste good then...... nothing
Lol.. and wrong happened to me few times
🙄 same dispensary 🙄
mg 369
Dr try 24k from pearl pharma its bomb its bomb
James Mccall
Cherry Pie -Durban posion x Gdp.