Cherry Pie - Hybrid - by Inhalence - Strain Review - Exhalence, Sun Valley Ca
  • 0 month(s) ago

Weed Entertainment
  • Published at 2020-12-01 04:00:02
  • findingthetruth 2

    Good info on the vape cup info. Also with the bud tenders. I've had some discrepancies on my purchases so i think it might be more common so watch them weigh and price your product. I don't think in my case it was intentional as much as maybe just maybe to high are to busy. Great advice on a topic that needs addressed.

4 reply
  • findingthetruth 2

    @Weed Entertainment Sounds delicious thank you Doc !

  • Weed Entertainment

    Grab Kings Garden Hasidic Grapes is in the market now with 32% THC at a very moderate price. That’s the one.
    I am getting almost 100% great comments from the street. It’s the try.

  • Weed Entertainment

    Please take the $ price out of the above post or it will have to be deleted.
    You can’t talk about price.
    It’s against policy but I understand and can help guide toward the better product that fits your needs.

  • Weed Entertainment

    More info and use methods for VaporCup will be posted in future videos.
    VaporCup is really a game changing item.
    It can’t fix bad weed but it can smooth it out with lower temps. I will discuss how to fix bad weed in future videos.
    Most times average weed can bettered by mixing it into the right salad..
    Happy Monday.
    The Doc 😎👍

  • SimpleMan

    Same thing happens in Colorado, although our bud is served out of Jars. Sometimes the workers are so baked, if you dont watch them, they will geab the wrong Jar, or try and push a jar on you, even though you picked something else. Good to have a budtender you know and trust. I appreciate your honesty, not all bud is quality

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    That’s the case here too.
    I think people don’t understand why it happens and it does even with me who comes in with a list to give them. The issue is budtenders put things back into bins and another budtender then grabs the jar in the wrong bin. That’s why..
    Also, it’s impossible for me to check the bottles and bags. I am fearful of coronavirus and I come to the store with a UV takeaway bag.
    I will discuss that bag this week.
    I have the budtenders load straight into the UV bag. I never touch anything or even get close to them. Also, many dispensaries have budtenders behind giant plastic barriers.
    It’s real easy to get the wrong flower even when the budtender calls the strains back because they only look at the branding and not the little strain name label added. Some of the strain and testing labels are mini me..
    I use a magnifying glass to read them.
    I need to do a better job of confirming strains before leaving.
    The wrong picks really started with Covid.
    It’s just disappointing when you run for a strain and get home to find the wrong one..

  • Lion Infamous

    Not as strong as the others huh doc good review 💪 ill pass on this one. And them putting the wrong flower in ur bag is probably their gimmick to get rid of whats not sellin 😂 tonight i grabbed some starburst og its pretty good taste and potency🔥

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    The people who helped me at the dispensary were nice but the truth must be told.
    Let the best flowers be known.
    It’s good for the store to know too so they can concentrate on better flowers.
    With better flowers people come back..

  • MrIsrael0g

    Happened to me at planet 13 in Vegas. Wasn't happy but not going to cry about it.

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    It happens to much to me not mention it.
    It actually happened the last two buys.
    Likely it’s because I buy 6-7 different strains at one time and as we know, stoney memory is not the best. A future review will talk about it again. It’s sad when you run to grab a notable strain and you get home and it’s the wrong one. Also, dispensaries don’t like to take flower back even if it’s unopened and wrongly given.
    If it only happens once, stuff happens..
    but If your ordering multiple 8th at the same time.. it’s worth having the budtender read the strains as he puts them in the bag.
    I think it happened to me 5 times to in the last two months.. It’s a heads up to all.. it’s like boxing.. Protect yourself at all times..
    The Doc

  • Hoodpatrol Strains

    For me
    I h8 that strain smells good taste good then...... nothing
    Lol.. and wrong happened to me few times
    🙄 same dispensary 🙄

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Let the truth be told..

  • mg 369

    Dr try 24k from pearl pharma its bomb its bomb

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Pearl Pharma 24K strain sounds like a try to me. I have had real good 24K strain a few times. Let me look around. I will grab it.
    I haven’t seen any Pearl Pharma strains around the SFV lately. All my strains are 2019.
    Thanks for the tip.
    The Doc 😎

  • James Mccall

    Cherry Pie -Durban posion x Gdp.

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Thanks for the info.
    People are interested and I’m not in the know and also skeptical that strains are exactly what they claim to be. .
    The strain is what the cultivator who gave it to the cultivator calls it.
