Animal Scoops - Hybrid - by Your Highness - Strain Review - Dr Greenthumbs, Sylmar Ca
- 2 month(s) ago
Jose Cardenas
Hey Doc, after watching your videos for months I had to order a VaporCup. I got my VaporCup in last week and it’s been amazing! Those first couple of draws are so flavorful and it makes it easy to narrow down the best tasting flowers. I love being able to vape inside the house now, especially with the colder weather months upon us. No more freezing my ass off smoking outside. Thanks for the recommendation Doc!
Lion Infamous
I can tell it was good flower it gave u the slight tongue twister 😂🔥 good smoke always do that👍 good review doc 💪im going after this one for sure . i ran into some White Gushers from flower child farms and its a good one doc 🔥 its got strong flavor and nice high that stick around for awhile im definitely gettin it again. Party on🎉
Your Favorite Pastor
Got the Vape cup cuz of u Doc. Thanks for great weed reviews . I was tired of guessing and vid like this help a bunch. Thanks Doc
There was this crazy Gelato 41 out yesterday but was selling at top dollar, sold out so quick. See you need luck, the appearance of buds are just pure white, amazing. That might have been the one. You have to do your research to get it the very best.
Khachik Chuldzhyan
Good review doc I had a couple different strains from them I got the chroma it was good nothing out of the world but good just got some Mac n mintz by backpack boys and and dosi banana by Darwin farms both where good and tasty but the Darwin farms dosi banana is something else never tried there stuff before and greenthumbs just dropped it with the Mac n mints I will say try the dosi banana it’s good better then the Mac n mints for me
Jay K.
Hey Doc Tire Fire by the Cure Company was a real winner for me. A stimulating hybrid for sure.
Sebastian Mac Donald
I feel if this flower wasn’t dry, you might have given it a higher rating.
Scottie Pimpin
Your highness I believe just won best flower awards but I could be wrong.
Scottie Pimpin
New Shady apples by your highness coming soon
Jay K.
Buy better. We are strain hunting together.