LA's Best 100 Marijuana Strains 2020 - Part 5 - #60-#51 - December 2020
- 1 month(s) ago
I know I'm missing a couple but my Top 5 Strains of 2020 : 1. 1st 8th of Mad Cow DoubleUp Mints
2. Apples and Bananas
3. Cookies Fly first 8th from Maywood
4. Billy Kimber OG 30% by Green Earth Pharmacy
5. AlienLabs Cosmic Crisp by All in Alliance batch
Marcin s
This vid is so informative. I've been trying to search for YouTube vid similar to yours that breaks down everything in this video. 🩺 That part at 1:13 is really knowledgable. Your tip is like the channel from Dr Ethan! His videos are informative and I actually learned a lot for exams. He is a helpful medical student in Nottingham!
You should check out his YT out and give the medical student a subscribe! ➡️ #DrEthanOnYouTube
Khachik Chuldzhyan
Good list doc but the ether for me should be top 10 cuz when it came out it was one of a kind strain that would go away fast and I loved it
Casino Kush by CBX is one of best I’ve had this year 🔥🔥 gotta see you try it
Jeremy Denney
You able to get ur hands on boveda packs? I heard u mention them wondering what u thought. Brings ur driest herb back to life.
Lion Infamous
Good list doc its some heavyweights on this one 💪that ether and medellion is fire🔥🔥🔥 i jus ran into Fly from cookies its smooth as hell and some fire im hood n stoned u gotta try it 💨💨💨🎉