Blue Gotti - Indica Hybrid - by Backpack Boyz - Strain Review - from Dr Greenthumbs, Sylmar Ca
  • 1 month(s) ago

Weed Entertainment
  • Published at 2021-01-12 04:00:11
  • JackGeezy

    Just go back to those days, when there was OG and Purp. And the weed was always strong. They overdid with the crossing, making it even harder to find the best.

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Your kinda right.. in LA now, there are so many gelato crosses we are really buying many version of the same strain..
    at least we all discuss and compare.
    Finding the fire batches has never been easy.

  • The Thc Spot

    Thanks for the review doc ! You’ve been serving the community well. You deserve ten stars.

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    The THC Spot,
    Thanks for the kinds words.. I win here too.
    My picks are so much better than picking blind from the good tips.
    My journey will not last forever..
    I’m enjoying every minute.
    Legal weed is like freedom for a true stoner.
    Prior to legal weed it was hard to get good flowers all the time. This community is really good. Everyone is here to better their own picks .Party on and enjoy the videos.
    Also, VaporCup is so helpful for me.
    I wouldn’t be able to use so much flower without it.. it gets the 10 too.
    Party on..
    The Doc..

  • Joey Turbo

    Great review man!!!! Just smoked some of this strain. I agree that this flower is both pungent and on the heavy side with it's Indica dominant effects. If you want a more upbeat strain I highly recommend Apple Fritter or Cherry Fritter( Apple Fritter x Cherry Pie) if you haven't already.

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Your right.. the Apple and Cherry fritters can be good. The best so far for me was
    Synergy Apple Fritter.
    It’s was 🔥🔥🔥💪

  • Lion Infamous

    Its a heavy hitter im all in💪🔥i love dem strong indicas doc im puttin it on the list👍 i jus grabbed some king louis og from cannakings bout to try it out

3 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    The lion has gone missing.
    I hope all is ok with him.
    He is a favored poster..
    He was just gone one day.. sad..

  • Lion Infamous

    @Weed Entertainment it was a good one doc it taste good and was super smooth and about 5min into it i was good n stoned 🔥🔥🔥 definitely grabbing it again👍 king louis and blueberry cruffin is in my top 10 doc recommendations💯💪

  • Weed Entertainment

    CannaKings can be good.
    Let me know about King Louis.
    I love OG’s

  • Smokin With Small Town


  • toni higgins

    Lets go brother!

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Let’s go Toni.. let the best flowers be known..

  • brand rine

    The fact you just said "lineage is bs" I'm gonna say I'll never watch you review again....lineage has ALOT to do w strains. It's not "just a way to sell weed"........sad you seem so well put together.....but after that statement....i just cant take you seriously....

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    I am an insider in the business and you can think what you want. Original strains called original names may be correct.
    Test 10 master kush batches from different cultivations and they will all be so different from testing. A cultivator calls a plant what the cultivator who gave it them calls it.. or they will copy a name that’s hot in the market with a strain that looks correct.
    No games here. Life experience tells me the general public believes many things that are just weed lore without any truth.
    I have seen hundreds of real tests..
    It’s only about catching the best batches with the most euphoria. If this is not the channel for you. Try others and I hope they find you what your looking for.
    All respect.. weed lore is mostly a make it up.

  • Khaliq Wakeel

    What's it's lineage?

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    I hate to tell you there is no Santa but strains mixes are a make it up..
    it’s only about the batches.
    Ask any insider, the strain is what the cultivator who gave it to the cultivator calls it...
    And that’s the truth..
    Strains are unique to each cultivator and plants change over time. Clones can be short, tall or anything in between..
