Cookies - Cultivator Multi-Strain Marijuana Review - Part 3 - Feb 2021
  • 1 month(s) ago

Weed Entertainment
  • Published at 2021-02-07 04:54:31
  • When I was nine I crapped myself

    Love this mans enthusiam he’s really out here testing all the cookies strains that’s crazy earned a like

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Feeling Good,
    I guess my passion comes though.
    I’m a kid in a candy store now..
    In the past, you have to work to get whatever you could. I have crazy stores of trying to get flowers on holiday travels.. you need to know the tricks.. now you just go to the dispensaries..
    Party on..
    The Doc

  • Natdl

    Man you’re on a roll on this one Doc!!! Your passion for cannabis is child like my friend and thats awesome!! Love the reviews !!

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Thanks for the comments.
    We all win here by buying better.
    Let the best flowers be known so we can all enjoy them. Party on.. The Doc

  • Pulling The strings

    You're so right on the us heavy hitters, we like our flower above 22-23%. I've been burnt so many times with sub 22%. That's one of the reasons why I'm not a big cookies fan, cuz most of they flower is so low in thc that's not even worth it.

2 reply
  • Pulling The strings

    @Weed Entertainment no doubt about that my friend. LV is already planning on lots of big moves from weed coffee shops, to thc in restaurant food. The whole weed game will take on a whole new dimension. I can't wait for all this Covid crap to finally diminish to safe levels, although an article i read suggested it might be around 7 years before we see anything going back to "normal".

  • Weed Entertainment

    Pulling the Strings..
    The more years you live the dream, you see the trend of a few new good popular strains per year and then everyone copies the name.
    I saw it starting with medical marijuana in Cali starting for me around 2009ish..
    It’a really a batch game and the more I try and learn, the more I think you need to catch batches which we do..
    LV reviews and LV stoney events will be back soon enough too. LV will be king of the weed events in the next few years. It’s 100% coming.

  • Jazdino James

    Doc, weed entertainment is definitely one of the best cannabis related channels on YouTube! I really appreciate what you do. Party on! 🌲🔥🥰

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    We all win here.
    I’m no beginner and I have big tolerance which I try and manage. Our group is buying awesome now. I don’t know how you can get more information to buy better.
    Thanks for joining in.. it’s appreciated.
    Party on..
    The Doc

  • Your Favorite Pastor

    Your so informative and dedicated. With Cookies being so expensive, we need channels like this one. Thanks Doctor Euphoric

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Mr Pastor,
    Your mighty spirit wants the best in the world weed for you.
    I agree.. only the best weed for you.. 🔥🔥🔥👍

  • JackGeezy

    You were right about White Cherry Gelato, that is the high I like. Finally got it at Maywood Cookies. This batch is 35%. Taste is fire too.

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    White Cherry Gelato is by far the strongest of the Backpack Boyz.
    If you like that, you may like Blue Tomyz too..
    It’s super strong too.. Also, BPB Italian Ice is heavy enough with euphoria. You should try..

  • Scottie Pimpin

    Lemonade arleta is a GREAT dispensary with parking and great budtenders. They are stocked

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Scottie Pimpin,
    That’s the place with great flower and easy in and out access.
    Cana Harbor also always has great menu..
    I am always impressed when I look.
    It’s to far to be my go to... but I will go again for the right strain..

  • Rob Rich

    I've got the same strain of Gary Payton from the same date and thc percentages , apples and bananas very good too im so surprised that I have a similar taste in rating the buds, Try out yg og

3 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    There are so many OG’s but that’s a good idea.
    I prefer the OG’s. They don’t taste the best but they really have the chance for focus and euphoria. I’ll check it out..

  • Rob Rich

    @Weed Entertainment I think its worth the hype ,I have it , definitely need sometime to review it. Og's are in a category on there own you should do reviews of the best og's in L.A.

  • Weed Entertainment

    I passed YG OG.
    Should I try???

  • Eric Hurst

    Never know what you're going to get in the bag from cookies. Been buying elsewhere. Better flowers out there. Im in the d too so. Makes a difference I understand

5 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Exactly, live the dream.. stay on task..

  • Eric Hurst

    @Weed Entertainment keep on keepin on doc. Be well. I read the comments always. I consider myself on your level. Just a big kid in a candy store. I need the best flowers. Got stuff to do.

  • Weed Entertainment

    You need to read the posts below the video too. Not all Cookies Gary Payton batches have the game.. it’s all about the batches and you can trust certain posters judgement here..
    Enjoy the videos.. No favors here..
    There is supposed to be a 🔥 batch of Cannabiotix Cereal Milk in the market with 28% THC.. many good comments on it..
    Party on..
    The Doc

  • Eric Hurst

    @Weed Entertainment 1 out of my last 3 gary payton was good. I mean all fine but 1 was good. You already know. Thanks for the reviews doc. Always appreciated and good info.

  • Weed Entertainment

    You are right, you never know what’s in the bag.. that’s why the reviews are helpful if you looking for similar flowers as me which are heavy enough flower with focus and euphoria which most flowers are not..
    Enjoy the videos.. hopefully they help guide you to what the best in the market you can buy.
    Party on the Doc

  • cc

    Funny story with the Gary payton I have we smoked a fat one at like 1 PM I had work at 7PM I called off i was baked that day and too paranoid to go in

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    That feeling will fade with age.
    I was like that in college.
    I met a cute girl at the pool and then had to call off the date because of being stoned to the bone and paranoid I’m el stupio..
    More than once..
    Good move stating home.
    If your watching my videos, you know weed is a privilege and getting an issue at work is all the way into an issue.. don’t do it..
    The Doc

  • Zammy 888

    What’s the best cookies for best euphoric effect

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Watch the newest Cookies Multi strain video on this channel at weed Entertainment.
    Just search cookies and it will show up..
    It will be a great help to buy better.
    There will be more info about cookies best strain coming soon..
    Party on the Doc

  • Dreke Hayes

    Thanks Doc!!

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Party on Drake..

  • Koto Moto

    wats j1-p3!!! neva heard!! hope drops soon . party on doc!!! tried gary so many times but idkk!! dont really get it hmmm

3 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    J1-P3 Is # 2 on the Cookies list.
    I haven’t seen it awhile but I bought about
    1.5 - 2 OZ’s of this because it was my favorite I could buy at that time. Ask the Cookies store next time your there what’s up..
    Party on..
    The Doc

  • Koto Moto

    @Weed Entertainment gon try to cop those two ceral milk and j1-p3!! thanx doc!!! gon get me the PAN too backpackboyz and let u kno. Doc u should start a discord group for in the kno. yeeeee party on DOC!

  • Weed Entertainment

    Did you try the 32% THC batch of Gary Payton..?
    If you want to the best batches, you need to get the info and run to get the batch.
    There are comments from insiders that there is a fire batch of CBX cereal milk in the market now. It’s something to consider.
    It’s all about the batches and getting flowers others tried and not guessing..
    J1-P3 got second best but it also could be the best too.. hopefully they will see this video and bring it back.
