Exotic Genetic - Cultivator Multi-Strain Marijuana Review - 3 strains - Feb 2021
  • 11 month(s) ago

Weed Entertainment
  • Published at 2021-03-17 02:50:58
  • Kyle Barnett

    Would love to see a best dispensaries in LA list. Just got hipped to buds and roses from your recommendation and it’s great! Thanks for all the tips, Doc!

2 reply
  • Kyle Barnett

    @Weed Entertainment thanks doc! Appreciate all you do

  • Weed Entertainment

    I will do some comparison reviews this upcoming week as I am still drying out.
    My drying out video will post tomorrow.
    Most people don’t understand the importance and difference it makes to dry out once in awhile. I’m off about 2 weeks now.
    The current videos are all banked videos as this was a planned dry out.. I will do a best dispensaries video and say what I like but not rank them.. the best dispensary is the one with the best flowers which is ever changing..

  • Mels Strain Reviews

    I have a strain you should try by juiced flavors, pick up some SUDS by them it’s similar to Italian ice just slightly more heady

3 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    I’m drying out now..
    these are banked videos as this was planned.
    I have about 12 strains in the cue to try now..
    I’ll try and grab it but I have responsibilities the next 1.5 weeks that will dictate the running.
    I never let flowers get me off task. These are sobering family responsibilities. The Doc takes care of business.. I will try and grab it..
    Happy Thursday..

  • Mels Strain Reviews

    Yes it’s at dr greenthumbs right in the front imma cop some more before they run out ...

  • Weed Entertainment

    Juiced Flavors?
    I have never seen that.
    Is it in LA?
    Thanks for the tip..
    Party on..

  • Brooklyn Yoblon

    Where’s all the comments? Love all the reviews doc. The new Houseplant from Seth Rogen is really good. I got the Pancake Ice sativa. Not in the dispensaries yet - only online but all sold out for now. And Back Pack Boys opening there own shop on Saturday. 🙏🙏🔥🔥🤪🤪

3 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Thanks for the kind words.
    Some days you need to make hard sober decisions..

  • Brooklyn Yoblon

    @Weed Entertainment Doc - very sorry to hear - glad you’re being a caring responsible son. Yes - definitely a good time to focus on the family and take a tolerance break. Stay safe and be well.

  • Weed Entertainment

    You know your always appreciated.
    It’s hard to keep up these days.
    I have a ill parent and I’m taking care of family the last 2-3 weeks. Life brings sober moments and I’m taking care of responsibilities..
    Let me know when you see Seth Rogen again so I can buy..This was a good time to dry out and I have a dry out video coming this week.
    I banked videos for this period so I could be more in the moment as necessary.
    I know this is slightly heavy but I think it’s a good example for all too see that you can stop and take care of biz as required..
    I appreciate this community and all the good vibes it brings. More to come.
    The Doc

  • Brandon LaMont Cooper

    I love experimenting with genetics and interesting flowers..

3 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    I’m an insider in the biz.
    I understand how it works.
    A stain is what ever the cultivator who gives it to another cultivator calls it. I say no integrity because flowers with the same strain name but sold under different brands and from different cultivations will all test different. They are not the same flower..
    It’s all about the batch. The strains are all mixed up.. and the strain is only unique to each cultivation and even then all strains change over time as mother plants decline..
    Your genetics are unique to you and I hope you will mix them up to be the perfect flower..
    Don’t think industrial cultivations are telling the truth.. names sell flowers and they need to make money to exist unless only a hobby.
    Sorry to be so direct. Only facts here and I correct myself when wrong..
    Happy Sat..

  • Brandon LaMont Cooper

    @Weed Entertainment also... After working with the same genetics, over time it's the hope that planet earth will bless us with a special feature so we may call our own, maybe start a strain trend. the flowers has the potential, working with the moon and intense concentration. What do you mean their is no integrity in weed?

  • Weed Entertainment

    You need to catch the right batches.
    All the flowers (even with the same mother) can be different colors, strengths and also a different feeling.. it’s a crazy business.
    It’s very hard to keep quality.
    Also, mothers decline so clones become the children and they decline so the plant is always changing slightly. In the end we all run buy the same batches. Genetics are mostly a make it a to sell flowers.. They are mixing flowers and they are all mixed up. Test 10 master Kush strains and see how different they are.
    There is no integrity in weed at all.
    Happy Sat..

  • J. Brown

    Falcon 9 is my favorite from Exotic Genetics

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Thanks for the info. Can you post the info about Tina again without any personal info.
    It’s a fine line what you can post..
    You can’t ever post prices as it’s against policies and will cause issues..
    You didn’t do that it’s just a point everyone’s needs to understand.
    There is a smart local community here..
    Party on.. and thanks for the educated posts..
    The Doc

  • Dreke Hayes

    Nice Doc!!

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Party on Dreke,
    Please allow for delayed response for the next week or two.
    I have responsibilities that need my attention..

  • Taylor Grass

    just picked up luxrottie and slapz on bogo in north county sd

2 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Check my website for posts.
    They will start daily again..
    We got cens. I’m checking why..
    We respect YT 😎✌🏼

  • Weed Entertainment

    How were they?
