Atomic Sprinklez - by Torch - September 2021
  • 5 month(s) ago

Weed Entertainment
  • Published at 2021-09-23 03:21:58
  • thecaptainb1

    Love to see these new strains Doc! Party On!!

2 reply
  • thecaptainb1

    @Weed Entertainment I know what you mean Doc., I've been on hiatus for the last 2 weeks and just getting back in the saddle so I'm checking out your new strains. Need those breaks every so often.

  • Weed Entertainment

    I’m still going foe the time being..
    I will have to slow down eventually..

  • Kristin Eve

    Cotton Candy Sprinklez is one of the best herbs I've ever had. Smell, flavor, and buzz. All around A+ (I'm an OG in my 40s.. for context 😊) ... Oakland was good enough, but I didn't think the Oreos was worth it.

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    I haven’t hit a good Sprinklez yet..
    No luck for me..
    I like the OG’s…
    Thanks for the tip..

  • Kirk Page

    Great review Doc!!!! Canna harbor sold out of big Al’s blue crusherπŸ₯Ί, so I scored gusher crusher 2.0 and backpack boyz new drop,, white cherry gushers,, loving the journey brother,, canna harbor got great drops coming soon

3 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Cana Harbor may have the very best menu in the city.. how lucky you to have that as your go too.. I visited Cana Sylmar yesterday for the first time.. I finally grabbed Zoap..
    I’m excited to try Zoap. I
    have Blue Crushers and it’s my easy on Sunday morning..
    I think it gave me wood and wood is good

  • G Lacount

    @UZI got lucky a lil while ago and got the big als blue crushers gushers 4.0

  • UZI

    been looking bruh i cant find that blue crusher either

  • UZI

    good review doc, i appreciate the info πŸ”₯

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Kaya my bud tender at Lemonnade Recommended Cosmic Speinklez but at the last second another budtender switch me to Atomic as it was the new flower that just arrived. It was a wrong move..
    Oh well.. sometimes you win and sometimes you get an 8.5..

  • G Lacount

    Brotha I’m telling you if you can get your hands on either the strawberry or raspberry lemonade sprinkles you’ll have your mind blown. Nugs taste 100% like the name and have insane potency

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    G Lacount,
    I seen both stains but passed.
    You need the right tips or you end up with average.
    This show is not about average..
    Which is better.. I grab it..
    Thanks for the tip..
    The Doc

  • Andrew Sandberg

    Loved this one!

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Party on Andrew..
    I hope all is well in Colorado ✌🏼

  • Will

    This is a must try for me! Thanks doc

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  • Will

    @Weed Entertainment I tried doc but haven't been able to find it anywhere.

  • Weed Entertainment

    Did you try Cosmic Sprinklez?

  • Sin 777

    Hey Doc, does white ash really matter if you are vaping the weed? If you have any info on if/how white ash is important I would appreciate the knowledge. Thank you.

2 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    I have so many flowers I really stop at the point when the flavor profile changes.
    100% there is still more something something in the straw but I dump it anyway.
    Some people keep going to completely dry..
    I am not sure how you can get white ash..
    Anyone have comments about vaporizing to the end.. I have never done that..
    The doc likes sweet, sour, cheesy and smooth..
    Anyone know anything about white ash?

  • UZI

    what ash are u getting from vaping? lol. and id say white ash(atleast for me) is a strong point in my rating system. you can always tell the whiter the ash, the more clean flavor and smoke you get

  • Muneer Khan

    Cosmic Sprinkles was the best out of the ones I've tried

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Cosmic is what the Budtender picked but is got switched out at the last second buy another staff.. oh well.. thanks for the info..
    Enjoy the videos.. they definitely help pick better flowers.
    Party on..
    The Doc

  • Tommy Carrillo

    i almost got this cosmic sprinkles but instead i got tropical sprinkles i cant reccomend it enough doc! gonna have to try this one too πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    I keep hitting the wrong Sprinklez..
    Everyone seems to have a different opinion on torch strains.. which was your favorite so far?

  • John Mallory

    Got tired of cleaning vapes got tired of cleaning water pipes, am sticking to my OG chillum & my glass steam roller easy to squirt with the hose.. you get just as high or higher... works well, hi Doc btw, πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸ‘

4 reply
  • John Mallory

    @Weed Entertainment ill have to buy it to find out am saving up for it thanks for your info Doc.πŸ˜€πŸ‘

  • Weed Entertainment


  • Weed Entertainment

    VaporCup stays clean..
    I agree with your comments most don’t..
    VaporCup is a game changing experience.
    Smooth and sweet, you can preload, you can manage smells and best of all it stays clean..
    Only clean the glass straws you use once a week. It changed my life..
    it’s gets the Dr 10.. no other vape could take the Dr’s heavy use.. times change..
    VaporCup plus best strains is the journey..
    It’s more euphoric and a more functional feeling so I can’t get stuff done..
    Party on..
    The Doc..

  • uncle ruckus

    How dare you knock the sacred vapor cup

  • pretyinpunk1

    Alien labs has atomic apple it sold out in 1 day. It was so sweet.

3 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    What the best if the new Alien Labs in the market now.. I haven’t really heard much about melonade but Gelonade was good for me..

  • UZI

    if you can try the baklava and their melonade, both πŸ”₯ af

  • UZI

    try the biscotti x atomic apple from their limited πŸ”₯ af. and the atomic apple also known as cosmic crisp has been around for years, they changed the name about a year ago but id say that one is top 5 for alienlabs forsure

  • Ryan Fewster


1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Facts first.. IMHO after..πŸ‘πŸ‘

  • Andrew Sandberg

    Hey Doc look for Arctic Sprinklez, Miami Sprinklez and Zodiac Sprinklez

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    I hope all is well..
    I’m just catching up.
    Sorry for the late response
    Thanks for the tip.

  • pretyinpunk1

    U try connecteds new pantera limone?

2 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Yes, it’s good and worth the try.
    You can see the review by searching the strain on this channel.
    Someone commented it’s similar to Top Shelf Hi C and I think that’s right. Both are good.

  • Rob Rich

    I got it, the high is amazing the taste is so clean πŸ‘Œ, on my way to pack 1 up and party

  • Darius Tyler

    Oreo sprinklez and monster sprinklez

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Thanks for the tips..
    Party on..
