Tropical Z - by Connected Cannabis - Review - October 2024
  • 3 month(s) ago

Weed Entertainment
  • Published at 2024-10-23 19:26:58
  • @sandberg131

    People love Zkittlez strains for the flavor Doc 😎

3 reply
  • @WeedEntertainment

    Thanks for the info.
    I look back over many years of use and flavor was never the reason to rebuy except maybe Wonderbrett Kush Cola.
    Did you get to try that?
    Party on..

  • @sandberg131

    @@WeedEntertainment Yes I did Doc that Kush Cola had great flavor 😊 you should look for Chem 91 by Cream Of The Crop

  • @WeedEntertainment

    I used kush cola with
    Nameless Jeff from VaporCup.
    Even he was interested by the flavor of Kush Cola.
    I’m not sure how you get genetics to that..
    I have used two 8th of Kush Cola smalls up.
    I will buy the big buds next.
    I only had the chance to buy smalls so far.
    Wonderbrett Kush Cola is a great add to a salad.
    The terps profile is so strong it overwhelms the others.
    Happy Monday.

  • @cthulhu_bandz

    Ngl doc, I'm a hood mf from west lb and u my fav content on youtube. I fw with ur old school vibe, ur a g. U make me wanna get a vapor cup

2 reply
  • @cthulhu_bandz

    Connected I never tried. I'm more of a teds budz, cbx, maven guy so ur channel is my avenue. But the other videos help keep my pallets cleansed. Thank u

  • @WeedEntertainment

    I understand sneaking around for weed. Im pro grade at that.
    Things change as you age and you can’t get your health back.
    We can get weed and party all day but in the end smoking all day will end.
    I was with Breal and he said he stopped smoking blunts to me.
    I laughed as that’s the beginning of realizing that you’re burning your throat and lungs.
    I am using flowers for as long as the average age of the person who watches WeedEntertainment.
    I date back all the way to the infamous POPs in south Florida.
    Someday someone with add to the comments. POPs was the real South Florida OG spot.
    I would be surprised if it still there 50 years later..
    Enjoy the show.
    It’s really how to get stoned and not build tolerance.
    VaporCup is one of the first vaporizers developed in the world. It manages smells and a bong hit can last 30 mins using the bubbler.
    VaporCup is sold out but will come back in stock again.
    Party on Hood..

  • @dezbrycen3608

    French lotus by Maven Genetics its French Laundry x Blue lotus can't wait for u to try it

2 reply
  • @WeedEntertainment

    I have been trying to stop by Maven Store tin Tarzana the last few days but
    time is hard to catch…
    Maybe tomorrow
    I broke into my
    Maven French Laundry
    Zalympix stash bud today.
    The stash is important.

  • @dezbrycen3608

    @@WeedEntertainment I tryed wild cherry by seed junky genetics was 🔥 LCG Bx1 was a better than the original imo but we need old school genetics I been using my puff co alot and smoking rosin since these weed strain have been miss more than hit but the rosin I have like Gelonade x Papaya and I got biskante rosin as well by alienlabs 1 dab I'm good for hours but no live resin, diamond only rosin I recommend it for the OGs

  • @ted714

    I tried Connected's 'Permanent Marker' last week and I liked it! Really good shape and on the softer side (spongey) and a great smell/color & taste.. but on another note, I recently noticed you aren't fully inhaling the vapor ..... i'm going to assume you aren't a big nicotine smoker because of resisting that inhale.

2 reply
  • @WeedEntertainment

    Not really, I’m trying not to get too stoned during the review as I’m not better that way.
    I record 1-2 times a week at most but may record a few videos back to back and then by the third I’m usually baked and can’t do more and not look silly.
    All flowers get a full days use before I review them so the reviews are reliable.
    The bubbler will be available any day now, you draw deep and it gets you really stoned..
    if you have VaporCup grab the bubbler too.
    The show is really my journey how to stay on the good foot and that’s not a guarantee. It’s easy to let years go by and do nothing..
    Oh no, stoned again..

  • @ted714

    @@WeedEntertainment -- Thank for the friendly reply, I was worried you would take it the wrong way. --- And I agree because I get too baked myself and cannot do anything properly, lol.

  • @josiahalfaro9430

    New batch of connected gelonade is real good

1 reply
  • @WeedEntertainment

    That’s sounds like a good try.
    I want to go back and try more top shelf sativas.
    Sativas get the short end of respect but in reality the best sativas are the best buds to me. You need to like focus and euphoria to understand why.
    They are not knockouts.
    Party on..

  • @georgegomez8629

    Green Dragon in Van Nuys

2 reply
  • @WeedEntertainment

    I have been there.
    Try Féria the Fetti from Green Dragon if you haven’t yet.
    Also, there is a good viet soup place right there called
    New Pho 999. Grab your stash and soup at the same time.
    If you never had that yet you want Pho Tai. It’s the one.

  • @georgegomez8629

    @@WeedEntertainment your an OG for sure

  • @sandberg131

    Look for Cream Of The Crop - Chem 91

1 reply
  • @WeedEntertainment

    Chem 91 hasn’t been good for me. I have very old stash of that . Maybe from 2010 ish.
    I have tried the strain a few times. Good can be anything..
    I’ll look for it..
    It’s like a larry og to me.
    I tried a few times but it’s not my strain.
    All respect.. you are one of the most knowledgeable.
    We are allowed to like what we like..

  • @Javier-y9j5q

    Please review hypothermia

4 reply
  • @WeedEntertainment

    Which cultivator ?
    Party on..

  • @Javier-y9j5q

    hippe crasher wedding crasher x kushmints) best og I feel like you'll like hippie crasher better t's so beautiful man and the smell is like a Forum GSC but with a beautiful tasty cake aftertone, almost like a dark perfume it's feels like ur at a jazz nightclub and you found your tune its always consecutivelygood. feels stronger then the waxes I have. (one of my favorites!!)

  • @Javier-y9j5q

    ​​@@WeedEntertainmentTrulieve “Cultivar Collection”

    A clear cerebral euphoria that gradually melts into a full-body relaxation. It's so Gass I been smoking the hippie crasher as my daily driver.

  • @Javier-y9j5q

    @@WeedEntertainment and I gotta try the hypothermia again

  • @chinocapo

    Bro are dose stone real?

1 reply
  • @WeedEntertainment

    The crystals are real and collected thru my world journeys. Most were bought 25-30 years ago.
    I was very picky and each is a wonder..
    Party on..

  • @simplevoicereviewssvr6418

    Wedding punch

2 reply
  • @simplevoicereviewssvr6418

    Wedding cake x purple punch

  • @WeedEntertainment

    Which cultivator?
    I have had some good Wedding cake strains.
    Party on..

  • @Blackhawk_Snape

    My DOOOOOCCCC CHEERS 😤💚<-John Mallory

1 reply
  • @WeedEntertainment

    Happy Monday John 😎✌🏼

  • @grandmascreampie5372

    People like Z strains because 1)they taste good and 2) Z tends to be the heavyweight indica couchlock that people look for. I just wish Z wasn't so ugly, it looks terrible but smokes great

1 reply
  • @WeedEntertainment

    Still not a giant fan of the new weeds.
    Permanent Marker is the new takeover.
    How many strain are that now..
    Runtz on the out and Permanent Marker / Zkittlez is the trend.
    That’s what I see.
    Is it worthy ?
    It’s ok..
