Big Al's/Gas House/3 Bros - Multi Flower Review - 23 Flowers - One Winner - Novermber 2021
  • 1 month(s) ago

Weed Entertainment
  • Published at 2021-11-13 04:51:09
  • UZI

    that la chron was so slept on! straight fire from big als

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    How lucky are we.. it was one of the top 10 flowers all year. Big Al’s La Chron is a
    Winner winner chicken dinner..

  • Ketsueki Tsuki Gamer

    Doc, Try and Grab Apple Rose by Cookies at Maywood, it's a limited edition cookies Strain and a New fresh batch of Apples and Bananas there as well got like 28.9% THC on it, It's good but the Apple Rose I'm saying that for Thanksgiving or my Birthday (that's at Black Friday sometimes my Birthday falls on Thanksgiving but not this year). When you're going to vape again with the Cup?

5 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    My review of Cookies Apple Rose posted a few months ago.. it was ok.. it’s no Apples and Bananas IMHO.. at least my batch..
    I show packaging in the videos so you can match the batches to see if yours is the same..
    Party on..

  • Ketsueki Tsuki Gamer

    @Weed Entertainment it's okay I understand that you have some family problem we all do, I just ask about are you gonna grab Cookies Apple Rose so u can see what your Rating on that for I it's A 8.85/10 i may give it a 9/10 tho I don't know is this strain is at its peak yet but its great tho party on😎.

  • Weed Entertainment

    I am sorry for the disrespectful post response.
    All posts should be respectful with knowledgeable so we all win..
    Party on my friend..

  • Weed Entertainment

    I would like for you to be kind and respectful in your responses and posts.
    That would be appreciated and is requested on all posts..

  • Weed Entertainment

    I need a break. I have some family issues that need 100% attention.. The Doc is a responsible use.. There are 100’s of videos to watch..
    Some really good ones too.
    They even give me a smile..
    You only live once..
    I’m living the dream..

  • Juanred2014

    Big als is now a part of backpackboyz πŸ—£πŸ’― so they trade flowers they might be the same

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Really, that’s some info..
    When did that happen?
    Both have great flowers..

  • Mike Benoit

    Bro you vape... You don't smoke lol πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    Stoney memory is not good..
    Stoney math is worse..
    Happy 2022..
    The best of 2022 videos on deck..
    All the best flowers for us..
    Party on..
    The Doc πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

  • B Eazy

    No Grandaddy Pluto

1 reply
  • Weed Entertainment

    B Easy,
    Granddaddy Pluto.. have your tried?
    I never saw that yet.
