When did Hybrid flowers start to dominate the market? - ASK THE LAB - Question 7 - December 2023
- 2 month(s) ago
Might be too late to pick these up but u should try peanut butter scotti and og diesel from ted. Has more of a sativa effect and pretty potent, no Gelato. I've had the same complaints and apparently so have other people so hes running some new stuff
Doc what are your favorite bright euphoric flowers right now?
Gelato 25 is the only Gelato ive found worth smoking. You should definitely grow your own doc.
When will you be asking some important questions????
When people started breeding. Hybrids are much better for growers
Wow he may have a 'lab for general plant use' but tbh it kinda seems like that was spoken by someone who is totally ignorant of this specific flower and its history!?
Doesnt take into account any of the people who dedicated their lives to studying it and flying around the world talking to local farmers and then often transporting live clones or seeds at their own great risk and all for their passion and love for it not for corporate greed or because suddenly its legal so theres a gold rush like some people..
Im sorry but whats this guys background growing tomatoes? Cos he seems totally clueless and seems as if he isnt someone whos capable of answering such questions, i doubt very much he was ever around dealers growers or wholesalers of bud before it was legal? and if so then he is just a dummy who is guessing and assuming his botany or whatever farming degree he has somehow gives him the right to talk about something most normal people arent in a position to have any experience of!
Believe me the real pro underground growers didnt need a lab thats proven by the quick and constant improvement we saw from the 80s to 00s.. For starters they had plenty of human guinea pigs and they loved what they were doing they were not just pumping out new strains to meet a corporate deadline. And human testing really growing each strain not just running a cotyledon leaf test is a million times more important when it comes to how strong something 'feels' than its on paper %s..
i guarantee that thers a few strains from 20yr ago that will wipe the floor with all the modern stuff, iv got 3 personally! (money maker, lemon skunk, GH cheese, all by GreenhouseSeedco) those 3 are perfect for day night and inbetween lol the best pheno of the cheese is sooo sedative and the MM and lemon are seriously uplifting, the lemon also is very light and soft delicate so less weight of plant material means nicer smoke cos the ratio of oil to plant is better unlike modern dense woody stuff)
Its sadly gone downhill since corporate greed got involved and there was a load of misinformation too hyping up thc%s and later on terps became their new hype buzz topic lol once ppl realized 99%thc wasnt better than 'live resin' then the next big thing was maximum terp %s lol!
Unfortunately i think part of the big problem is that its just not profitable enuf for big corporations when 1 gram lasts 2 days like some older stuff! A lot of this new rubbish you can smoke litrly handfulls of and not be satisfied or content so it is way more profitable and a lot of 'kids' (or under 30s) dont know any better! Depending on what country your from a lot of ppl hav never even tried good stuff so its gotten away with..
Also id say people doing 2 gram oil dabs and still standing is more proof of bunk modern bud too cos i promise you halfway down a 0.5 joint of the oldskool cheese u will alredy be sleepin tight dreaming of sunny beaches sweeties and cakes that o.5 joint contains like .15 of oils so surely dabbing grams and still standing says it all dont it? It shud be 10x stronger but its not lol so clearly bud isnt like harder stuff white or E etc. where you want to have it pure as possible its a totally different thing and science doesnt yet understand it.
If they did theyd isolate and sell it as pharmaceuticals already but its different so they cant lol.
somehow adding immature fan leaves to a rollup laced with oil somehow makes its effects wayy stronger like to a level 3x or 5x the oil cannot reach 0.1+leaf is better than 0.5 oil with no leaf so they make a huge difference to the felt potency even though immature fan leaves should not contain sufficient amounts of any active ingredients!
Please aquire a fan leaf or 2 from a friend or dispo and try it if anyone doubts me :) several friends have confirmed this with me,
so theres 100% something we cant measure in there or maybe its the accumulation of many minors that is important, impossible to be sure which (maybe its the plants unmeasurable inner essence who knows :) but it certainly seems like it needs the whole plant and all its contents to be a totally perfect high or stone anything removed or added can be felt by one who is experienced.., the way it cant be purified or reduced to 1 responsible active ingredient is a bit like mother earth giving the finger to big pharma imo lol like nope not this time lol.. 😁✌❤️